Interface WithPath

    • Method Detail

      • withNode

        Statement withNode​(String nodeName)
        you can call withNodes(String...) with a single entry instead.
        Specify on which node to create a GSI index.
        nodeName - the name of a single node on which to create an index.
      • withNodes

        Statement withNodes​(String... nodeNames)
        Specify on which node(s) to create a GSI index.
        nodeNames - one or more node names on which to create an index (at least one should be provided).
      • withNodes

        Statement withNodes​(Collection<String> nodeNames)
        Specify on which node(s) to create a GSI index.
        nodeNames - a collection of one or more node names on which to create an index (should not be empty).
      • withDefer

        Statement withDefer()
        Specify that the index creation should be deferred to later, allowing to create multiple index and then build them all at once in one scan/swipe.
      • withDeferAndNode

        Statement withDeferAndNode​(String nodeName)
        you can call withDeferAndNodes(String...) with a single entry instead.
        Sets both index creation supported options : specify that the index creation should be deferred and give the name of the node on which to create a GSI index.
        nodeName - the name of the node on which to create an index.
      • withDeferAndNodes

        Statement withDeferAndNodes​(String... nodeNames)
        Sets both index creation supported options : specify that the index creation should be deferred and give the name of the node(s) on which to create a GSI index.
        nodeNames - one or more node names on which to create an index (at least one should be provided).
      • withDeferAndNodes

        Statement withDeferAndNodes​(Collection<String> nodeNames)
        Sets both index creation supported options : specify that the index creation should be deferred and give the name of the node(s) on which to create a GSI index.
        nodeNames - a collection of one or more node names on which to create an index (should not be empty).