Class Scope

  • @Volatile
    public class Scope
    extends Object
    The scope identifies a group of collections and allows high application density as a result.

    If no scope is explicitly provided, the default scope is used.

    • Method Detail

      • name

        public String name()
        The name of the scope.
        the name of the scope.
      • bucketName

        public String bucketName()
        The name of the bucket this scope is attached to.
      • async

        public AsyncScope async()
        Returns the underlying async scope.
      • core

        public Core core()
        Provides access to the underlying Core.

        This is advanced API, use with care!

      • collection

        public Collection collection​(String collectionName)
        Opens a collection for this scope with an explicit name.
        collectionName - the collection name.
        the requested collection if successful.