Class GetResult

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class GetResult
    extends Object
    Returned from all kinds of KeyValue Get operation to fetch a document or a subset of it.
    • Field Detail

      • content

        protected final byte[] content
        The encoded content when loading the document.
      • flags

        protected final int flags
        The flags from the kv operation.
      • transcoder

        protected final Transcoder transcoder
        The default transcoder which should be used.
    • Method Detail

      • cas

        public long cas()
        Returns the CAS value of document at the time of loading.

        The CAS value is an opaque identifier which is associated with a specific state of the document on the server. It can be used during a subsequent mutation to make sure that the document has not been modified in the meantime.

        If document on the server has been modified in the meantime the SDK will raise a CasMismatchException. In this case the caller is expected to re-do the whole "fetch-modify-update" cycle again. Please refer to the SDK documentation for more information on CAS mismatches and subsequent retries.

      • expiry

        public Optional<Duration> expiry()
        If the document has an expiry, returns length of time between the start of the epoch and the point in time when the loaded document expires.

        In other words, the number of seconds in the returned duration is equal to the epoch second when the document expires.

        NOTE: This method always returns an empty Optional unless the Get request was made using GetOptions.withExpiry(boolean) set to true.

        NOTE: In the future, this method is likely to be deprecated in favor of expiryTime().

      • expiryTime

        public Optional<Instant> expiryTime()
        If the document has an expiry, returns the point in time when the loaded document expires.

        NOTE: This method always returns an empty Optional unless the Get request was made using GetOptions.withExpiry(boolean) set to true.

      • contentAsObject

        public JsonObject contentAsObject()
        Decodes the content of the document into a JsonObject.
      • contentAsArray

        public JsonArray contentAsArray()
        Decodes the content of the document into a JsonArray.
      • contentAs

        public <T> T contentAs​(Class<T> target)
        Decodes the content of the document into an instance of the target class.
        target - the target class to decode the encoded content into.
      • contentAs

        public <T> T contentAs​(TypeRef<T> target)
        Decodes the content of the document into an instance of the target type. Example usage:
         List<String> strings = result.contentAs(new TypeRef<List<String>>(){});
        target - the type to decode the encoded content into.
      • convertContentToString

        protected String convertContentToString()
        Converts the content to a string representation if possible (for toString).
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object