

package language

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Aggregate[T, U] extends ReferenceElement[T, U] with ValuesMaker[U] with ProbFactorMaker

    Aggregate elements based on multi-valued references.

  2. abstract class Apply[U] extends Deterministic[U] with IfArgsCacheable[U]

    Abstract base class for elements representing function application.

  3. class Apply1[T1, U] extends Apply[U]

    Application of a function to one argument.

  4. class Apply2[T1, T2, U] extends Apply[U]

    Application of a function to two arguments.

  5. class Apply3[T1, T2, T3, U] extends Apply[U]

    Application of a function to three arguments.

  6. class Apply4[T1, T2, T3, T4, U] extends Apply[U]

    Application of a function to four arguments.

  7. class Apply5[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, U] extends Apply[U]

    Application of a function to five arguments.

  8. trait Atomic[T] extends Element[T] with HasDensity[T]

    The Atomic trait characterizes elements that do not depend on any related elements.

  9. class AtomicDist[T] extends Dist[Double, T]

    A distribution in which the probabilities are constants and the outcomes are Elements.

  10. class AtomicFlip extends Element[Boolean] with Atomic[Boolean] with Flip

    A coin toss in which the weight is a fixed constant.

  11. class AtomicSelect[T] extends Select[Double, T] with Atomic[T]

    A distribution in which both the probabilities and the outcomes are values.

  12. trait Cacheable[V] extends Element[V]

    Elements whose values can be cached and reused.

  13. class CachingChain[T, U] extends Chain[T, U]

    A CachingChain is an implementation of Chain with a 1000 element cache

  14. class Chain[T, U] extends Deterministic[U]

    A Chain(parent, fcn) represents the process that first generates a value for the parent, then applies fcn to get a new Element, and finally generates a value from that new Element.

  15. class CompoundDist[T] extends Dist[Element[Double], T]

    A distribution in which both the probabilities and outcomes are Elements.

  16. class CompoundFlip extends Element[Boolean] with Flip

    A coin toss where the weight is itself an element.

  17. class CompoundSelect[T] extends Select[Element[Double], T]

    A distribution in which the probabilities are Elements and the outcomes are values.

  18. case class Condition[T](predicate: (T) ⇒ Boolean) extends Evidence[T] with Product with Serializable

    Evidence representing a condition on an element.

  19. class Constant[T] extends Deterministic[T] with Atomic[T] with Cacheable[T]

    Elements that always produce the same value.

  20. case class Constraint[T](function: (T) ⇒ Double) extends Evidence[T] with Product with Serializable

    Evidence representing a constraint on an element.

  21. abstract class ConstraintType[T] extends (T) ⇒ Double

  22. trait Creatable extends AnyRef

    Figaro's reflection allows you to create a Figaro element by providing the name of the element class as a string and its arguments as elements.

  23. abstract class Deterministic[Value] extends Element[Value]

    Elements with no randomness.

  24. abstract class Dist[P, T] extends Element[T] with IfArgsCacheable[T]

    Distributions with randomly chosen outcomes that are themselves specified by Elements.

  25. abstract class Element[T] extends AnyRef

    An Element is the core component of a probabilistic model.

  26. trait ElementCollection extends AnyRef

    An element collection contains elements.

  27. sealed abstract class Evidence[T] extends AnyRef

    Evidence that can be associated with an element.

  28. trait Flip extends Element[Boolean] with Cacheable[Boolean]

    Weighted coin tosses, where the weight itself might be random.

  29. trait HasDensity[T] extends Element[T]

  30. trait IfArgsCacheable[V] extends Element[V]

    Elements whose values can be cached and reused as long as the arguments are cacheable.

  31. case class Indirect[+T](head: Name[ElementCollection], tail: Reference[T]) extends Reference[T] with Product with Serializable

    An indirect reference to an element, first using the head to refer to an element collection, and then referring to the tail from within the element collection.

  32. class Inject[T] extends Deterministic[List[T]] with IfArgsCacheable[List[T]]

    Element that converts a sequence of elements into an element over sequences.

  33. class InvalidEvidenceException extends IllegalArgumentException

  34. case class LogConstraint[T](function: (T) ⇒ Double) extends Evidence[T] with Product with Serializable

    Evidence representing a log constraint on an element.

  35. case class LogConstraintType[T](fcn: (T) ⇒ Double) extends ConstraintType[T] with Product with Serializable

  36. case class Name[+T](string: String) extends Reference[T] with Product with Serializable

    A direct reference to an element by its name.

  37. case class NamedEvidence[T](reference: Reference[T], evidence: Evidence[T], contingency: Contingency = immutable.this.Nil) extends Product with Serializable

    Association of evidence with a reference.

  38. class NonCachingChain[T, U] extends Chain[T, U]

    A NonCachingChain is an implementation of Chain with a single element cache

  39. case class Observation[T](value: T) extends Evidence[T] with Product with Serializable

    Evidence representing observing a particular value for the element.

  40. trait Parameter[T] extends Element[T]

    Trait of learnable parameters.

  41. trait Parameterized[T] extends Element[T] with HasDensity[T]

    Trait of elements which accept learnable parameters.

  42. class ParameterizedFlip extends Element[Boolean] with Flip with Parameterized[Boolean]

    A coin toss where the weight is specified by a learnable parameter.

  43. class ParameterizedSelect[T] extends Select[Double, T] with Parameterized[T]

    A distribution in which the probabilities are learnable parameters and the outcomes are values.

  44. trait Pragma[T] extends AnyRef

    Pragmas are hints to algorithms that are associated with elements.

  45. case class ProbConstraintType[T](fcn: (T) ⇒ Double) extends ConstraintType[T] with Product with Serializable

  46. sealed trait Reference[+T] extends AnyRef

    A reference to an element.

  47. abstract class ReferenceElement[T, U] extends Deterministic[U] with IfArgsCacheable[U]

    Element representing the value of a reference.

  48. abstract class Select[P, T] extends Element[T] with Cacheable[T]

    Distributions with randomly chosen outcomes.

  49. class SingleValuedReferenceElement[T] extends ReferenceElement[T, T] with ValuesMaker[T] with ProbFactorMaker

    Element representing a single-valued reference.

  50. class Universe extends ElementCollection

    A universe is a collection of elements that can be used by a reasoning algorithm.

Value Members

  1. object Apply

  2. object CachingChain

  3. object Chain

  4. object Constant

  5. object Create

  6. object Dist

  7. object Element

  8. object ElementCollection

  9. object Flip extends Creatable

  10. object Inject

  11. object Name extends Serializable

  12. object NonCachingChain

  13. object Reference

  14. object Select

  15. object Universe
