

package compound

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BooleanElement extends AnyRef

    Elements over Booleans on which element-level Boolean operators are defined.

  2. class CPD1[T1, U] extends CachingChain[T1, U]

    A conditional probability distribution with one parent.

  3. class CPD2[T1, T2, U] extends CachingChain[(T1, T2), U]

    A conditional probability distribution with two parents.

  4. class CPD3[T1, T2, T3, U] extends CachingChain[(T1, T2, T3), U]

    A conditional probability distribution with three parents.

  5. class CPD4[T1, T2, T3, T4, U] extends CachingChain[(T1, T2, T3, T4), U]

    A conditional probability distribution with four parents.

  6. class CPD5[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, U] extends CachingChain[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5), U]

    A conditional probability distribution with five parents.

  7. sealed abstract class CPDCase[-T] extends AnyRef

    A case in a conditional probability distribution.

  8. class DoubleElement extends AnyRef

    Elements over Doubles on which element-level Double operators are defined.

  9. class DuoElement[T1, T2] extends AnyRef

    Elements over pairs on which element-level component extraction is defined.

  10. class Eq[T] extends Apply2[T, T, Boolean]

    Element representing equality between two elements.

    Element representing equality between two elements. You can use the === operator defined on elements to create this element.

  11. class FastIf[T] extends Apply1[Boolean, T]

    Element that conditions on the test and results in either the then clause or else clause.

    Element that conditions on the test and results in either the then clause or else clause. The then and else clauses are constants.

  12. class FoldLeft[T, U] extends Deterministic[U] with ValuesMaker[U]

    Element representing the folding of a function through a sequence of elements.

    Element representing the folding of a function through a sequence of elements. Elements are processed left to right. Factored algorithms use the decomposition of the fold to avoid creating huge factors.

  13. class If[T] extends CachingChain[Boolean, T]

    Element that conditions on the test and results in either the then clause or else clause.

    Element that conditions on the test and results in either the then clause or else clause. The then and else clauses are elements.

  14. class IntElement extends AnyRef

    Elements over Ints on which element-level Int operators are defined.

  15. class IntSelector extends Element[Int] with IfArgsCacheable[Int] with ValuesMaker[Int]

    An IntSelector represents the selection of an integer from 0 (inclusive) to a variable upper bound (exclusive).

    An IntSelector represents the selection of an integer from 0 (inclusive) to a variable upper bound (exclusive). The upper bound is an element represented by the bound argument. The IntSelector class has been defined so that (1) the value is always uniformly distributed in the range, no matter how the upper bound changes, and (2) it attempts to avoid changing the value as much as it possibly can as the upper bound changes. This latter property makes the class useful in an algorithm like Metropolis-Hastings, where we would like to change as little as possible as we make a proposal.

  16. class Neq[T] extends Apply2[T, T, Boolean]

    Element representing inequality between two elements.

    Element representing inequality between two elements. You can use the !== operator defined on elements to create this element.

  17. case class NoneOf[T](elems: T*) extends CPDCase[T] with Product with Serializable

    A case in a conditional probability distribution that excludes the given elements.

  18. case class OneOf[T](elems: T*) extends CPDCase[T] with Product with Serializable

    A case in a conditional probability distribution that includes the given elements.

  19. class QuartetElement[T1, T2, T3, T4] extends AnyRef

    Elements over quadruples on which element-level component extraction is defined.

  20. class QuintetElement[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5] extends AnyRef

    Elements over quintuples on which element-level component extraction is defined.

  21. class RichCPD1[T1, U] extends CachingChain[T1, U]

    A conditional probability distributions with rich cases with one parent.

  22. class RichCPD2[T1, T2, U] extends CachingChain[(T1, T2), U]

    A conditional probability distributions with rich cases with two parents.

  23. class RichCPD3[T1, T2, T3, U] extends CachingChain[(T1, T2, T3), U]

    A conditional probability distributions with rich cases with three parents.

  24. class RichCPD4[T1, T2, T3, T4, U] extends CachingChain[(T1, T2, T3, T4), U]

    A conditional probability distributions with rich cases with four parents.

  25. class RichCPD5[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, U] extends CachingChain[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5), U]

    A conditional probability distributions with rich cases with five parents.

  26. class TrioElement[T1, T2, T3] extends AnyRef

    Elements over triples on which element-level component extraction is defined.

  27. class MakeList[T] extends Apply1[List[T], List[T]]

    An element representing making a list of a random number of random items.

    An element representing making a list of a random number of random items. The first argument is an element representing the number of items. The second argument is an expression that generates an element representing an item. MakeList is designed to store all the item elements and not change them as the number of elements changes.


    (Since version 3.2.1) MakeList is deprecated. Please use the collections library for future support of MakeList capabilities

Value Members

  1. object * extends CPDCase[Any] with Product with Serializable

    A "wild-card" case in a conditional probability distribution that includes all elements.

  2. object CPD

  3. object FoldLeft

  4. object FoldRight

    Element representing the folding of a function through a sequence of elements.

    Element representing the folding of a function through a sequence of elements. Elements are processed right to left. Factored algorithms use the decomposition of the fold to avoid creating huge factors.

  5. object If

  6. object IntSelector

  7. object MakeList

  8. object Reduce

    Element representing the reducing of a function through a sequence of elements, with no initial value.

    Element representing the reducing of a function through a sequence of elements, with no initial value. Elements are processed left to right. Factored algorithms use the decomposition of the fold to avoid creating huge factors.

  9. object RichCPD

  10. object ^^
