



package common

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class DisconnectMessage(disconnect: DisconnectMessageInfo) extends CommonStreamingMessage with Product with Serializable


    Streams may be shut down for a variety of reasons.

    Streams may be shut down for a variety of reasons. The streaming API will attempt to deliver a message indicating why a stream was closed. Note that if the disconnect was due to network issues or a client reading too slowly, it is possible that this message will not be received. For more information see

  2. case class DisconnectMessageInfo(code: DisconnectionCode, stream_name: String, reason: String) extends Product with Serializable

  3. case class LimitNotice(limit: LimitTrack) extends CommonStreamingMessage with Product with Serializable


    These messages indicate that a filtered stream has matched more Tweets than its current rate limit allows to be delivered.

    These messages indicate that a filtered stream has matched more Tweets than its current rate limit allows to be delivered. Limit notices contain a total count of the number of undelivered Tweets since the connection was opened, making them useful for tracking counts of track terms, for example. Note that the counts do not specify which filter predicates undelivered messages matched. For more information see

  4. case class LimitTrack(track: Long) extends Product with Serializable

  5. case class LocationDeletionId(user_id: Long, user_id_str: String, up_to_status_id: Long, up_to_status_id_str: String) extends Product with Serializable

  6. case class LocationDeletionNotice(scrub_geo: LocationDeletionId) extends CommonStreamingMessage with Product with Serializable


    These messages indicate that geolocated data must be stripped from a range of Tweets.

    These messages indicate that geolocated data must be stripped from a range of Tweets. Clients must honor these messages by deleting geocoded data from Tweets which fall before the given status ID and belong to the specified user. These messages may also arrive before a Tweet which falls into the specified range, although this is rare. For more information see

  7. case class StatusDeletionId(id: Long, id_str: String, user_id: Long, user_id_str: String) extends Product with Serializable

  8. case class StatusDeletionNotice(delete: StatusDeletionNoticeInfo) extends CommonStreamingMessage with Product with Serializable


    These messages indicate that a given Tweet has been deleted.

    These messages indicate that a given Tweet has been deleted. Client code must honor these messages by clearing the referenced Tweet from memory and any storage or archive, even in the rare case where a deletion message arrives earlier in the stream that the Tweet it references. For more information see

  9. case class StatusDeletionNoticeInfo(status: StatusDeletionId) extends Product with Serializable

  10. case class StatusWithheldId(id: Long, user_id: Long, withheld_in_countries: List[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  11. case class StatusWithheldNotice(status_withheld: StatusWithheldId) extends CommonStreamingMessage with Product with Serializable


    These events contain an id field indicating the status ID, a user_id indicating the user, and a collection of withheld_in_countries uppercase two-letter country codes.

    These events contain an id field indicating the status ID, a user_id indicating the user, and a collection of withheld_in_countries uppercase two-letter country codes. For more information see

  12. case class UserWithheldId(id: Long, withheld_in_countries: List[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  13. case class UserWithheldNotice(user_withheld: UserWithheldId) extends CommonStreamingMessage with Product with Serializable


    These events contain an id field indicating the user ID and a collection of withheld_in_countries uppercase two-letter country codes.

    These events contain an id field indicating the user ID and a collection of withheld_in_countries uppercase two-letter country codes. For more information see

  14. case class WarningMessage(warning: WarningMessageInfo) extends CommonStreamingMessage with Product with Serializable


    When connected to a stream using the stall_warnings parameter, you may receive status notices indicating the current health of the connection.

    When connected to a stream using the stall_warnings parameter, you may receive status notices indicating the current health of the connection. For more information see

  15. case class WarningMessageInfo(code: String, message: String, percent_full: Option[Int] = None, user_id: Option[Long] = None) extends Product with Serializable

