

package jdbi

Global definitions and implicits for JDBI.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. jdbi
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class HandleDaoWrapper[A] extends AnyRef

  2. class HandleWrapper extends AnyRef

    Provides idiomatic Scala enhancements to the JDBI API.

  3. class JDBITransactionWrapper extends AnyRef

    Provides for-comprehension support for composable transactions

  4. class JDBIWrapper extends AnyRef

    Provides idiomatic Scala enhancements to the JDBI API.

  5. class SimpleMapper[A] extends ResultSetMapper[A]

    A simple mapper that only depends on the result set

  6. class TransactionalWrapper[A <: Transactional[A]] extends AnyRef

    Provides enhancements to the Dropwizard jDBI API for transactional DAOs.

Value Members

  1. implicit final def HandleWrapper(handle: Handle): HandleWrapper

  2. object JDBI

    Factory object for org.skife.jdbi.v2.DBI instances.

  3. implicit final def JDBIWrapper(db: DBI): JDBIWrapper

  4. object ResultSetDSL

    Define some implicits to allow a more concise DSL using Tuples for extracting results from an SQL result set.

  5. implicit final def TransactionalWrapper[A <: Transactional[A]](transactional: A): TransactionalWrapper[A]

  6. package tweak

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
