

package writer

Contains components for writing RDDs to Cassandra

Linear Supertypes
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  2. By inheritance
  1. writer
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class AsyncExecutor[T, R] extends Logging

    Asynchronously executes tasks but blocks if the limit of unfinished tasks is reached.

  2. sealed trait BatchLevel extends AnyRef

  3. class BatchStatementBuilder[T] extends Logging

  4. class CassandraRowWriter extends RowWriter[CassandraRow]

    A RowWriter that can write CassandraRow objects.

  5. class DefaultRowWriter[T] extends RowWriter[T]

    A RowWriter suitable for saving objects mappable by a ColumnMapper.

  6. class GroupingBatchBuilder[T] extends AbstractIterator[RichStatement] with Iterator[RichStatement]

    A grouping batch builder is an iterator which take an iterator of single data items and tries to group those items into batches.

  7. trait LowPriorityRowWriterFactoryImplicits extends AnyRef

    Provides a low-priority implicit RowWriterFactory able to write objects of any class for which a ColumnMapper is defined.

  8. case class PerRowWriteOption[T](placeholder: String) extends WriteOption[T] with Product with Serializable

  9. class PropertyExtractor[T] extends Serializable

    Extracts values from fields of an object.

  10. class QueryExecutor extends AsyncExecutor[RichStatement, ResultSet]

  11. class RichBatchStatement extends BatchStatement with RichStatement

  12. class RichBoundStatement extends BoundStatement with RichStatement

  13. trait RichStatement extends AnyRef

  14. class RoutingKeyGenerator extends (BoundStatement) ⇒ ByteBuffer

    This class computes the routing key of a bound statement.

  15. trait RowWriter[T] extends Serializable

    RowWriter knows how to extract column names and values from custom row objects.

  16. trait RowWriterFactory[T] extends AnyRef

    Creates instances of RowWriter objects for the given row type T.

  17. class SqlRowWriter extends RowWriter[Row]

    A RowWriter that can write SparkSQL Row objects.

  18. case class StaticWriteOption[T](value: T) extends WriteOption[T] with Product with Serializable

  19. sealed trait TTLOption extends WriteOption[Int]

  20. class TableWriter[T] extends Serializable with Logging

    Writes RDD data into given Cassandra table.

  21. sealed trait TimestampOption extends WriteOption[Long]

  22. abstract class WritableToCassandra[T] extends AnyRef

  23. case class WriteConf(batchSize: BatchSize = ..., batchBufferSize: Int = WriteConf.DefaultBatchBufferSize, batchLevel: BatchLevel = WriteConf.DefaultBatchLevel, consistencyLevel: ConsistencyLevel = WriteConf.DefaultConsistencyLevel, parallelismLevel: Int = WriteConf.DefaultParallelismLevel, ttl: TTLOption =, timestamp: TimestampOption = extends Product with Serializable

    Write settings for RDD

  24. sealed trait WriteOption[+T] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object AsyncExecutor

  2. object BatchLevel

  3. object BatchStatementBuilder

  4. object CassandraRowWriter extends Serializable

  5. object DefaultRowWriter extends Serializable

  6. object ObjectSizeEstimator

    Estimates amount of memory required to serialize Java/Scala objects

  7. object PropertyExtractor extends Serializable

  8. object RichBatchStatement

  9. object RowWriterFactory extends LowPriorityRowWriterFactoryImplicits

    Provides an implicit RowWriterFactory for saving CassandraRow objects.

  10. object SqlRowWriter extends Serializable

  11. object TTLOption

  12. object TableWriter extends Serializable

  13. object TimestampOption

  14. object WriteConf extends Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
