

package partitioner

Provides components for partitioning a Cassandra table into smaller parts of appropriate size. Each partition can be processed locally on at least one cluster node.

Linear Supertypes
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  2. By inheritance
  1. partitioner
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. case class CassandraPartition(index: Int, endpoints: Iterable[InetAddress], tokenRanges: Iterable[CqlTokenRange], rowCount: Long) extends EndpointPartition with Product with Serializable

    Metadata describing Cassandra table partition processed by a single Spark task.

  2. class CassandraPartitionedRDD[T] extends RDD[T]

    RDD created by repartitionByCassandraReplica with preferred locations mapping to the CassandraReplicas each partition was created for.

  3. class CassandraRDDPartitioner[V, T <: Token[V]] extends AnyRef

    Creates CassandraPartitions for given Cassandra table

  4. case class CqlTokenRange(cql: String, values: Any*) extends Product with Serializable

    Stores a CQL WHERE predicate matching a range of tokens.

  5. trait EndpointPartition extends Partition

  6. class Murmur3PartitionerTokenRangeSplitter extends TokenRangeSplitter[Long, LongToken]

    Fast token range splitter assuming that data are spread out evenly in the whole range.

  7. class RandomPartitionerTokenRangeSplitter extends TokenRangeSplitter[BigInt, BigIntToken]

    Fast token range splitter assuming that data are spread out evenly in the whole range.

  8. case class ReplicaPartition(index: Int, endpoints: Set[InetAddress]) extends EndpointPartition with Product with Serializable

  9. class ReplicaPartitioner extends Partitioner

    The replica partitioner will work on an RDD which is keyed on sets of InetAddresses representing Cassandra Hosts .

  10. class ServerSideTokenRangeSplitter[V, T <: Token[V]] extends TokenRangeSplitter[V, T] with Logging

    Delegates token range splitting to Cassandra server.

  11. class TokenRangeClusterer[V, T <: Token[V]] extends AnyRef

    Divides a set of token ranges into groups containing not more than maxRowCountPerGroup rows and not more than maxGroupSize token ranges.

  12. trait TokenRangeSplitter[V, T <: Token[V]] extends AnyRef

    Splits a token range into smaller sub-ranges, each with the desired approximate number of rows.

Value Members

  1. object CassandraRDDPartitioner

  2. package dht

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
