Class SmoothedInputDevice

All Implemented Interfaces:
DigitalInputDeviceInterface, InputEventListener<DigitalInputEvent>, Closeable, AutoCloseable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SmoothedInputDevice
extends WaitableDigitalInputDevice

Represents a generic input device which takes its value from the number of active events over a specific time period.

This class extends WaitableDigitalInputDevice with a queue which is added to whenever the input device is active. The number of the active events in the queue is compared to a threshold which is used to determine the state of the 'active' property.

Any active events over the specified eventAge are removed by a background thread.

This class is intended for use with devices which exhibit "twitchy" behaviour (such as certain motion sensors).

  • Constructor Details

    • SmoothedInputDevice

      public SmoothedInputDevice​(int gpio, GpioPullUpDown pud, int threshold, int eventAge, int eventDetectPeriod) throws RuntimeIOException
      gpio - GPIO to which the device is connected.
      pud - Pull up/down configuration, values: NONE, PULL_UP, PULL_DOWN.
      threshold - The value above which the device will be considered "on".
      eventAge - The time in milliseconds to keep active events in the queue.
      eventDetectPeriod - How frequently to check for events.
      RuntimeIOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • SmoothedInputDevice

      public SmoothedInputDevice​(GpioDeviceFactoryInterface deviceFactory, int gpio, GpioPullUpDown pud, int threshold, int eventAge, int eventDetectPeriod) throws RuntimeIOException
      deviceFactory - Device factory to use to provision this device.
      gpio - GPIO to which the device is connected.
      pud - Pull up/down configuration, values: NONE, PULL_UP, PULL_DOWN.
      threshold - The value above which the device will be considered "on".
      eventAge - The time in milliseconds to keep active events in the queue.
      eventDetectPeriod - How frequently to check for events.
      RuntimeIOException - if an I/O error occurs
  • Method Details

    • valueChanged

      public void valueChanged​(DigitalInputEvent event)
      Specified by:
      valueChanged in interface InputEventListener<DigitalInputEvent>
      valueChanged in class WaitableDigitalInputDevice
    • getThreshold

      public int getThreshold()
      If the number of on events younger than eventAge exceeds this amount, then 'isActive' will return 'True'.
      event threshold
    • setThreshold

      public void setThreshold​(int threshold)
      Set the threshold value in terms of number of on events within the specified time period that will trigger an on event to any listeners.
      threshold - New threshold value.
    • getEventAge

      public int getEventAge()
      The time in milliseconds to keep items in the queue.
      The event age (milliseconds).
    • setEventAge

      public void setEventAge​(int eventAge)
      Set the event age (milliseconds).
      eventAge - New event age value (milliseconds).
    • getEventDetectPeriod

      public int getEventDetectPeriod()
      How frequently (in milliseconds) to check the state of the queue.
      The event detection period (milliseconds)