Package com.diozero.devices
Classes representing actual devices such as LEDs, Buttons as well as GPIO,
devices that are connected via I2C, SPI and Serial interfaces.
Interface Summary Interface Description BarometerInterface DistanceSensorInterface GpioExpander Interface for GPIO expansion boards such as the MCP23xxx family of devicesHD44780Lcd.LcdConnection HygrometerInterface LuminositySensorInterface SensorInterface ThermometerInterface -
Class Summary Class Description Ads112C04 Ads112C04.Builder Ads1x15 ADS1115 Datasheet: ADS1015 Datasheet: BH1750 Luminosity sensor Datasheet Python codeBME280 Provides access to the Bosch BMx280 pressure and temperature sensor.BME680 BME680.Calibration BME680.Data BME680.GasSettings BME680.SensorSettings BMP180 Bosch BMP180 I2C temperature and pressure sensorButton Provides push button related utility methods.Buzzer Represents a digital buzzer component.CamJamKitDualMotor CamJam EduKit 3 Robot.GP2Y0A21YK Sharp GP2Y0A21YK distance sensor.HCSR04 User's manual: Product specification: Provides 2cm - 400cm non-contact measurement function, the ranging accuracy can reach to 3mm You only need to supply a short 10uS pulse to the trigger input to start the ranging, and then the module will send out an 8 cycle burst of ultrasound at 40 kHz and raise its echo.HD44780Lcd HD44780Lcd.Characters HD44780Lcd.PCF8574LcdConnection HD44780Lcd.PiFaceCadLcdConnection HTS221 STMicroelectronics HTS221 "ultra compact sensor for relative humidity and temperature".Keypad References:LDR Generic Photoresistor / Light-Dependent-Resistor (LDR).
Wiring:LED Provides utility methods for controlling a Light Emitting Diode (LED).LedBarGraph LM73 LPS25H STMicroelectronics LPS25H "ultra compact absolute piezoresistive pressure sensor".MCP23008 MCP23017 MCP23S17 McpAdc McpAdc.McpAdcBoardPinInfo McpEeprom See the Microchip website.MFRC522 MFRC522.Response MFRC522.UID PCA9685 PCA9685 I2C-bus controlled 16-channel 12-bit PWM controller as used in the popular Adafruit PWM add-on board Datasheet: PCF8574 PCF8574.PCF8574BoardPinInfo PCF8591 Analog to Digital Converter.PCF8591.PCF8591BoardPinInfo PiconZero PiconZero.PiconZeroAnalogInputDevice PiconZero.PiconZeroAnalogOutputDevice PiconZero.PiconZeroBoardPinInfo PiconZero.PiconZeroDigitalInputDevice PiconZero.PiconZeroDigitalOutputDevice PiconZero.PiconZeroPwmOutputDevice PiconZeroMotor Potentiometer Supports taking readings from a potentiometer.PwmLed PWM controlled LED.PwmLedBarGraph RgbLed Three pin controlled RGB LED.RgbPwmLed Three pin controlled RGB LED.RyanteckDualMotor RTK MCB Robot.Servo Servo.Array Servo.Trim SGP30 SGP30.FeatureSetVersion SGP30.RawMeasurement SGP30.SGP30Measurement TMP36 Support for reading temperature values from a TMP36 Temperature Sensor by Analog DevicesTSL2561 W1ThermSensor -
Enum Summary Enum Description Ads112C04.Address The ADS112C04 has two address pins: A0 and A1.Ads112C04.BurnoutCurrentSources Ads112C04.ConfigRegister Ads112C04.ConversionMode Ads112C04.CrcConfig Ads112C04.DataCounter Ads112C04.DataRate Ads112C04.GainConfig Ads112C04.Idac1RoutingConfig Ads112C04.Idac2RoutingConfig Ads112C04.IdacCurrent Ads112C04.OperatingMode Ads112C04.Pga Ads112C04.TemperatureSensorMode Ads112C04.VRef Ads1x15.Address I2C address configurationAds1x15.Ads1015DataRate Number of samples per secondAds1x15.Ads1115DataRate Number of samples per secondAds1x15.ComparatorMode Ads1x15.ComparatorPolarity Ads1x15.ComparatorQueue Comparator queue configurationAds1x15.Mode Read mode - continuous or singleAds1x15.Model Ads1x15.PgaConfig Programmable Gain Amplifier configuration.BH1750.Mode BME280.FilterCoefficient IIR Filter coefficient; can be FILTER_OFF, _2, _4, _8, _16.BME280.HumidityOversampling Humidity oversampling multiplier; value can be OVERSAMPLING_1, _2, _4, _8, _16.BME280.Model BME280.OperatingMode Operating mode; value can be MODE_SLEEP, _FORCED, or _NORMAL.BME280.PressureOversampling Pressure oversampling multiplier; value can be OVERSAMPLING_1, _2, _4, _8, _16.BME280.StandbyDuration Inactive duration in standby mode; can be STANDBY_ 500_US (0.5 ms) 62_5_MS (62.5 ms) 125_MS (125 ms) 250_MS (250 ms) 500_MS (500 ms) 1_S (1 second) 10_MS (10 ms) 20_MS (20 ms)BME280.TemperatureOversampling Temperature oversampling multiplier; value can be OVERSAMPLING_1, _2, _4, _8, _16.BME680.FilterSize IIR filter size.BME680.HeaterProfile Gas heater profile.BME680.OversamplingMultiplier Oversampling multiplier.BME680.PowerMode Power mode.BMP180.BMPMode Relationship between sampling mode and conversion delay (in ms) for each sampling mode Ultra low power: 4.5 ms minimum conversion delay Standard: 7.5 ms High Resolution: 13.5 ms Ultra high Resolution: 25.5 msLM73.Configuration LM73.Resolution McpAdc.Type The MCP3204/3208 devices offer the choice of using the analog input channels configured as single-ended inputs or pseudo-differential pairs.McpEeprom.Type MFRC522.AntennaGain MFRC522.PiccType MFRC522.StatusCode PCF8591.InputMode PiconZero.InputConfig PiconZero.OutputConfig Servo.OutputDeviceUnit TSL2561.TSL2561Package W1ThermSensor.Type