Class GP2Y0A21YK

All Implemented Interfaces:
DeviceInterface, DeviceEventConsumer<AnalogInputEvent>, DistanceSensorInterface, SensorInterface, AutoCloseable, Runnable, Consumer<AnalogInputEvent>

public class GP2Y0A21YK
extends AnalogInputDevice
implements DistanceSensorInterface

Sharp GP2Y0A21YK distance sensor. Datasheet, Guide. Important to supply 5V to get correct readings (max output voltage ~3.2V).

 Range: 10 to 80 cm
 Typical response time: 39 ms
 Typical start up delay: 44 ms
 Average Current Consumption: 30 mA
 Detection Area Diameter @ 80 cm: 12 cm
 Supply voltage : 4.5 to 5.5 V