Class DeviceFactoryHelper

  • public class DeviceFactoryHelper
    extends Object
    Helper class for automatically detecting the native device factory that will be used for provisioning I/O devices. Uses the Java ServiceLoader to detect NativeDeviceFactoryInterface implementations that are available on the class-path as defined in META-INF/services/com.diozero.internal.provider.NativeDeviceFactoryInterface. The first entry is used if there are multiple implementations present on the class-path. Alternatively you can specify the class to use via the command line or environment property diozero.devicefactory. The built-in device factory is used if the above logic fails to instantiate a device factory implementation.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DeviceFactoryHelper

        public DeviceFactoryHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • getNativeDeviceFactory

        public static NativeDeviceFactoryInterface getNativeDeviceFactory()
        Auto-detect the native device factory class to be used for provisioning I/O devices in this lookup order:
        1. Command line property / environment variable diozero.devicefactory
        2. Java ServiceLoader using the class com.diozero.internal.provider.NativeDeviceFactoryInterface
        3. The built-in device factory
        the native device factory instance to use for provisioning I/O devices.
      • registerForShutdown

        public static void registerForShutdown​(AutoCloseable... closeableArray)
        Register an object to be shutdown in the case of abnormal shutdown
        closeableArray - Array of closeable objects to close on shutdown
      • shutdown

        public static void shutdown()