Class MotorBase

    • Constructor Detail

      • MotorBase

        public MotorBase()
    • Method Detail

      • whenForward

        public void whenForward​(Action action)
        Perform the given action when the direction of the motor is changed to forwards
        Specified by:
        whenForward in interface MotorInterface
        action - action to perform
      • whenBackward

        public void whenBackward​(Action action)
        Perform the given action when the direction of the motor is changed to backwards
        Specified by:
        whenBackward in interface MotorInterface
        action - action to perform
      • whenStop

        public void whenStop​(Action action)
        Perform the given action when the motor is stopped
        Specified by:
        whenStop in interface MotorInterface
        action - action to perform
      • valueChanged

        protected void valueChanged​(float value)