Interface CategorizableChannel

    • Method Detail

      • getCategoryId

        Optional<Snowflake> getCategoryId()
        Gets the ID of the category for this channel, if present.
        The ID of the category for this channel, if present.
      • getCategory

        Mono<Category> getCategory()
        Requests to retrieve the category for this channel, if present.
        A Mono where, upon successful completion, emits the category this channel, if present. If an error is received, it is emitted through the Mono.
      • getCategory

        Mono<Category> getCategory​(EntityRetrievalStrategy retrievalStrategy)
        Requests to retrieve the category for this channel, if present, using the given retrieval strategy.
        retrievalStrategy - the strategy to use to get the category
        A Mono where, upon successful completion, emits the category this channel, if present. If an error is received, it is emitted through the Mono.
      • getInvites

        Flux<ExtendedInvite> getInvites()
        Requests to retrieve this channel's invites.
        A Flux that continually emits this channel's invites. If an error is received, it is emitted through the Flux.