Class DefaultShardingStrategy

    • Field Detail


        public static int RECOMMENDED_SHARD_COUNT
        Value representing the use of a recommended amount of shards.
    • Method Detail

      • getShardCount

        public Mono<Integer> getShardCount​(RestClient restClient)
        Description copied from interface: ShardingStrategy
        Return the shard count used to create a group of sharded clients.
        Specified by:
        getShardCount in interface ShardingStrategy
        restClient - a handle to consume REST API resources, typically to retrieve the number of recommended shards
        a shard count as a Mono to obtain this number asynchronously.
      • getShards

        public Flux<ShardInfo> getShards​(int shardCount)
        Description copied from interface: ShardingStrategy
        Return the shard factory used to create a group of sharded clients.
        Specified by:
        getShards in interface ShardingStrategy
        shardCount - the total number of shards
        a shard factory as a sequence of ShardInfo items.
      • getGroupManager

        public discord4j.core.shard.GatewayClientGroupManager getGroupManager​(int count)
        Description copied from interface: ShardingStrategy
        Return the GatewayClientGroupManager to maintain each gateway client in the created group.
        Specified by:
        getGroupManager in interface ShardingStrategy
        count - the total number of shards
        a GatewayClientGroupManager used by this strategy
      • getMaxConcurrency

        public int getMaxConcurrency()
        Description copied from interface: ShardingStrategy
        Return the number of shards that can be identified concurrently. Must be 1 unless your application is authorized to use the large bot sharding system.
        Specified by:
        getMaxConcurrency in interface ShardingStrategy
        a value determining the sharding factor this strategy has
        See Also:
        Sharding for very large bots