Class SinksEventDispatcher

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Experimental public class SinksEventDispatcher extends Object implements EventDispatcher
Distributes Event instances to subscribers, using Reactor Sinks as backend.

The underlying sink and thread affinity for event publishing can be configured at construction time.

  • Constructor Details

    • SinksEventDispatcher

      public SinksEventDispatcher(Function<Sinks.ManySpec,Sinks.Many<Event>> eventSinkFactory, EmissionStrategy emissionStrategy, Scheduler eventScheduler)
      Creates a new event dispatcher using the given event sink factory and threading model.
      eventSinkFactory - the custom sink factory for events
      emissionStrategy - a strategy to handle emission failures
      eventScheduler - a Scheduler to ensure a certain thread model on each published signal
  • Method Details

    • on

      public <E extends Event> Flux<E> on(Class<E> eventClass)
      Description copied from interface: EventDispatcher
      Retrieves a Flux with elements of the given Event type. This Flux has to be subscribed to in order to start processing. See Event class for the list of possible event classes.

      Note: Errors occurring while processing events will terminate your sequence. If you wish to use a version capable of handling errors for you, use EventDispatcher.on(Class, Function). See Reactive Streams Spec explaining this behavior.

      A recommended pattern to use this method is wrapping your code that may throw exceptions within a flatMap block and use Mono.onErrorResume(Function), Flux.onErrorResume(Function) or equivalent methods to maintain the sequence active:

           .flatMap(event -> myCodeThatMightThrow(event)
                   .onErrorResume(error -> {
                       // log and then discard the error to keep the sequence alive
                       log.error("Failed to handle event!", error);
                       return Mono.empty();

      For more alternatives to handling errors, please see Error Handling docs page.

      Specified by:
      on in interface EventDispatcher
      Type Parameters:
      E - the type of the event class
      eventClass - the event class to obtain events from
      a new Flux with the requested events
    • publish

      public void publish(Event event)
      Description copied from interface: EventDispatcher
      Publishes an Event to the dispatcher. Might throw an unchecked exception if the dispatcher can't handle this event.
      Specified by:
      publish in interface EventDispatcher
      event - the Event to publish
    • shutdown

      public void shutdown()
      Description copied from interface: EventDispatcher
      Signal that this event dispatcher must terminate and release its resources.
      Specified by:
      shutdown in interface EventDispatcher