Class PresenceUpdateEvent


public class PresenceUpdateEvent extends Event
Dispatched when a user's presence changes. This includes username, discriminator, and avatar changes.

The old presence may not be present if presences are not stored.

This event is dispatched by Discord.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getGuildId

      public Snowflake getGuildId()
      Gets the Snowflake ID of the Guild containing the User whose presence has been updated.
      The ID of the Guild involved.
    • getGuild

      public Mono<Guild> getGuild()
      Gets the Guild containing the User whose presence has been updated.
      A Mono where, upon successful completion, emits the Guild involved in the event.
    • getOldUser

      public Optional<User> getOldUser()
      Gets the old version of the User that was updated, if present. This may not be available if Users are not stored.
      The old version of the User, if present.
    • getNewGlobalName

      public Optional<String> getNewGlobalName()
      Gets the User's new global name, if present. This may not exist if the user's global name has not been changed.
      The User's new global name, if present.
    • getNewUsername

      public Optional<String> getNewUsername()
      Gets the User's new username, if present. This may not exist if the user's username has not been changed.
      The User's new username, if present.
    • getNewDiscriminator

      @Deprecated public Optional<String> getNewDiscriminator()
      This method will be removed once the system change is complete.
      Gets the User's new discriminator, if present. This may not exist if the User's discriminator has not been changed.
      The User's new discriminator, if present.
    • getNewAvatar

      public Optional<String> getNewAvatar()
      Gets the User's new avatar, if present. This may not exist if the User's discriminator has not been changed.
      The user's new avatar, if present.
    • getUserId

      public Snowflake getUserId()
      Gets the Snowflake ID of the User whose presence has been updated in this event.
      The ID of the User whose presence has been updated.
    • getUser

      public Mono<User> getUser()
      Requests to retrieve the User whose presence has been changed in this event.
      A Mono where, upon successful completion, emits the User involved in this event. If an error is received, it is emitted through the Mono.
    • getMember

      public Mono<Member> getMember()
      Requests to retrieve the Member object of the User involved in this event.
      A Mono where, upon successful completion, emits the Member involved in this event. If an error is received, it is emitted through the Mono.
    • getCurrent

      public Presence getCurrent()
      Gets the current, new version of the Presence.
      The current, new version of the Presence.
    • getOld

      public Optional<Presence> getOld()
      Gets the old version of the Presence that was changed, if present. This may not be available if Presence are not stored.
      The old version of the Presence, if present.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object