Package discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle

@NonNullApi package discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle
Domain model for gateway lifecycle events.
  • Classes
    Indicates that a gateway connection is successful.
    Indicates that a gateway connection is disconnected.
    Represents a lifecycle status change for a gateway connection.
    Dispatched when an initial connection to the Discord gateway has been established.
    An incomplete Guild provided by Discord upon the ready event.
    Indicates that a gateway connection has correctly reconnected.
    Indicates that a reconnection attempt has failed and a new attempt should be scheduled, in that case, this event will be followed by a ReconnectStartEvent.
    Indicates that a gateway connection is starting a reconnect attempt.
    Dispatched when the gateway connection is successfully resumed.
    Indicates that the session of a gateway connection has been invalidated.