

package weaver

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package junit

Type Members

  1. final case class AssertionException(message: String, locations: NonEmptyList[SourceLocation]) extends WeaverTestException with Product with Serializable
  2. trait BaseSuiteClass extends AnyRef
  3. final class CanceledException extends WeaverTestException
  4. trait EffectCompat[F[_]] extends PlatformEffectCompat[F]
  5. trait EffectSuite[F[_]] extends Suite[F] with EffectSuiteAux with weaver.SourceLocation.Here
  6. trait EffectSuiteAux extends AnyRef
  7. class Expect extends Recorder[Boolean, Expectations] with UnaryRecorder[Boolean, Expectations] with ExpectSame
  8. case class Expectations(run: ValidatedNel[AssertionException, Unit]) extends Product with Serializable
  9. trait FunSuiteAux extends AnyRef
  10. abstract class FunSuiteF[F[_]] extends RunnableSuite[F] with FunSuiteAux
  11. trait GlobalResourceBase extends AnyRef

    Top-level instances of this trait are detected by the framework and used to manage the lifecycle of shared resources.

    Top-level instances of this trait are detected by the framework and used to manage the lifecycle of shared resources.

    The weaver.GlobalResourceF.Write store is a channel that lets you store resources (http/database clients) using some type-specific tags. We provide scala.reflect.ClassTag based implementation that works for that aren't subject to type-erasure (ie when a Scala type is equivalent to a JVM class)

    Stored resources can be retrieved in test suites, by having your suite sport a constructor that takes a GlobalResourceF instance.

  12. trait GlobalResourceF[F[_]] extends GlobalResourceBase
  13. final class IgnoredException extends WeaverTestException
  14. abstract class Log[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  15. trait LowPriorityImplicits extends AnyRef
  16. abstract class MutableFSuite[F[_]] extends RunnableSuite[F]
  17. sealed abstract class Platform extends AnyRef
  18. trait PlatformEffectCompat[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  19. trait ResourceTag[A] extends AnyRef

    Rough type-tag, for which we provide a low effort instance based on classtags for classes that are not subject to type-erasure.

    Rough type-tag, for which we provide a low effort instance based on classtags for classes that are not subject to type-erasure.

    Because this type is used as an index in a map, you ought to make sure it implements proper equals/hashCode methods

  20. sealed trait Result extends AnyRef
  21. abstract class RunnableSuite[F[_]] extends EffectSuite[F]
  22. class Runner[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  23. final case class SourceLocation(filePath: String, fileRelativePath: String, line: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  24. trait SourceLocationMacro extends AnyRef
  25. trait Suite[F[_]] extends BaseSuiteClass
  26. case class TestName(name: String, location: SourceLocation, tags: Set[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    An identifier to a test in a suite.

    An identifier to a test in a suite.

    The implicit conversion from String is used as a mean for IDEs to detect the location of individual tests.

  27. trait TestOutcome extends AnyRef
  28. sealed abstract class TestStatus extends AnyRef
  29. trait UnsafeRun[F[_]] extends EffectCompat[F]

    Abstraction allowing for running IO constructs unsafely.

    Abstraction allowing for running IO constructs unsafely.

    This is meant to delegate to library-specific constructs for running effect types.

  30. abstract class WeaverException extends RuntimeException
  31. sealed abstract class WeaverTestException extends WeaverException

Value Members

  1. object EffectSuite
  2. object Expectations extends Serializable
  3. object Formatter
  4. object GlobalResourceF
  5. object Log
  6. object LogFormatter
  7. object MemoisedResource
  8. object NotOurException
  9. object OurException
  10. object Platform
  11. object ResourceTag extends LowPriorityImplicits
  12. object Result
  13. object Runner
  14. object ScalaCompat
  15. object SourceLocation extends SourceLocationMacro with Serializable
  16. object Test
  17. object TestErrorFormatter
  18. object TestName extends Serializable
  19. object TestOutcome
  20. object TestStatus
  21. object macros
