

package dataset

This package name is kept to eHarmony compatibility.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. dataset
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. type CharSeqRowCreator[-A] = RowCreator[A, CharSequence]

  2. trait CompilerFailureMessages extends AnyRef

  3. sealed trait CovariateProducer[Density] extends AnyRef

    Helper to produce functions used to the create the covariate data passed to the dataset generators.

  4. trait DenseCovariateProducer extends CovariateProducer[Double]

  5. final case class DenseFeatureExtractorFunction[-A](features: IndexedSeq[(String, GenAggFunc[A, Double])]) extends FeatureExtractorFunction[A, Double] with Product with Serializable

  6. trait DvProducer extends AnyRef

    Helper to provide a way to construct dependent variables.

  7. trait FeatureExtractorFunction[-A, Density] extends (A) ⇒ (MissingAndErroneousFeatureInfo, IndexedSeq[Density])

    A function that takes a value and returns extracted features and information on missing and erring features.

  8. trait LabelRowCreator[-A, +B] extends RowCreator[A, B]

  9. case class MissingAndErroneousFeatureInfo(missingFeatures: Seq[String], errorFeatures: Seq[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  10. trait RowCreator[-A, +B] extends (A) ⇒ (MissingAndErroneousFeatureInfo, B) with Serializable

  11. final case class RowCreatorBuilder[A, B, Impl <: RowCreator[A, B]](semantics: CompiledSemantics[A], producers: List[RowCreatorProducer[A, B, Impl]]) extends AlohaReadable[Try[Impl]] with Logging with Product with Serializable

    Given a semantics, json specification and an ordered sequence of RowCreatorProducers, find the first producer that applies to creating a Spec from the json specification and use it to instantiate the RowCreator object.

  12. trait RowCreatorProducer[A, +B, +Impl <: RowCreator[A, B]] extends AnyRef

    RowCreatorProducer is used to create different kinds of RowCreator instances.

  13. trait RowCreatorProducerName extends AnyRef

    A mixin that gives a standardized name to RowCreatorProducer instances.

  14. trait SparseCovariateProducer extends CovariateProducer[Iterable[(String, Double)]]

  15. final case class SparseFeatureExtractorFunction[-A](features: IndexedSeq[(String, GenAggFunc[A, Iterable[(String, Double)]])]) extends FeatureExtractorFunction[A, Iterable[(String, Double)]] with Product with Serializable

  16. trait StatefulRowCreator[-A, +B, S] extends Serializable

    A row creator that requires state.

  17. trait StatefulRowCreatorProducer[A, +B, S, +Impl <: StatefulRowCreator[A, B, S]] extends AnyRef

    Created by deaktator on 11/6/17.

  18. final case class StringFeatureExtractorFunction[-A](features: IndexedSeq[(String, GenAggFunc[A, String])]) extends FeatureExtractorFunction[A, String] with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object RowCreatorBuilder extends Serializable

  2. object RowCreatorType extends Enumeration

    This is for backward compatibility, but should someday be removed and SpecBuilder should be updated to remove it too.

  3. package csv

  4. package json

  5. package libsvm

  6. package vw

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
