

package factory

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait JavaJsonFormats extends AnyRef

  2. sealed abstract class ModelFactory[A, B] extends ReadableByString[Try[Model[A, B]]] with GZippedReadable[Try[Model[A, B]]] with LocationLoggingReadable[Try[Model[A, B]]] with MultipleAlohaReadable[Try[Model[A, B]]] with SequenceMultipleReadable[ReadableSource, Try, Model[A, B]] with Logging

    A factory that produces models.

  3. case class ModelFactoryImpl[U, N, A, B <: U](semantics: Semantics[A], auditor: MorphableAuditor[U, N, B], parsers: Seq[ModelParser], refInfoToJsonFormat: RefInfoToJsonFormat)(implicit refInfo: RefInfo[N]) extends ModelFactory[A, B] with Product with Serializable

    A ModelFactory is responsible for creating models from model specifications.

  4. sealed trait ModelParser extends AnyRef

    Created by ryan on 1/26/17.

  5. trait ModelParsingPlugin extends ModelParser

  6. trait ModelSubmodelParsingPlugin extends ModelParsingPlugin with SubmodelParsingPlugin

  7. trait Parser[-A, +B] extends AnyRef

  8. trait ParserProviderCompanion extends AnyRef

  9. trait ScalaJsonFormats extends AnyRef

  10. trait SubmodelFactory[U, A] extends AnyRef

    Created by ryan on 1/31/17.

  11. trait SubmodelParsingPlugin extends ModelParser

Value Members

  1. object Formats extends JavaJsonFormats with ScalaJsonFormats

  2. object JavaJsonFormats extends JavaJsonFormats

  3. object ModelFactory extends RuntimeClasspathScanning

  4. object ScalaJsonFormats extends ScalaJsonFormats

  5. package ex

  6. package jsext

  7. package ri2jf

    Provides conversions from RefInfo to spray-json's JsonFormat.
