

package multilabel

Created by ryan.deak on 8/31/17.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. multilabel
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. case class MultilabelModel[U, K, -A, +B <: U](modelId: ModelIdentity, featureNames: IndexedSeq[String], featureFunctions: IndexedSeq[GenAggFunc[A, Sparse]], labelsInTrainingSet: IndexedSeq[K], labelsOfInterest: Option[GenAggFunc[A, IndexedSeq[K]]], predictorProducer: () ⇒ (SparseFeatures, Labels[K], LabelIndices, SparseLabelDepFeatures) ⇒ Try[Map[K, Double]], numMissingThreshold: Option[Int], auditor: Auditor[U, Map[K, Double], B])(implicit ev: SerializabilityEvidence[K]) extends SubmodelBase[U, Map[K, Double], A, B] with RegressionFeatures[A] with Product with Serializable

    A multi-label predictor.

  2. trait MultilabelModelParserPlugin extends AnyRef

    A plugin that will ultimately produce the SparseMultiLabelPredictor.

  3. trait MultilabelPluginProviderCompanion extends AnyRef

    Created by ryan.

  4. trait PluginInfo[K] extends AnyRef

    Created by ryan.

  5. type SparseMultiLabelPredictor[K] = (SparseFeatures, Labels[K], LabelIndices, SparseLabelDepFeatures) ⇒ Try[Map[K, Double]]

    A sparse multi-label predictor takes:

    A sparse multi-label predictor takes:

    • features
    • labels for which a prediction should be produced
    • indices of those labels into sequence of all of the labels the model knows about.
    • label dependent-features

    and returns a Map from the labels passed in, to the prediction associated with the label.

  6. type SparsePredictorProducer[K] = () ⇒ (SparseFeatures, Labels[K], LabelIndices, SparseLabelDepFeatures) ⇒ Try[Map[K, Double]]

    A lazy version of a sparse multi-label predictor.

    A lazy version of a sparse multi-label predictor. It is a curried zero-arg function that produces a sparse multi-label predictor.

    This definition is "lazy" because we can't guarantee that the underlying predictor is Serializable so we pass around a function that can be cached in a transient lazy val. This function should however be Serializable and testing should be done to ensure that each predictor producer is Serializable.

Value Members

  1. object MultilabelModel extends ParserProviderCompanion with Serializable

  2. object MultilabelModelParserPlugin extends RuntimeClasspathScanning

  3. package json

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
