

package reg

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. reg
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. case class Coefficient(coeff: Double, featureIndices: IndexedSeq[Int] = ...) extends Product with Serializable

  2. case class ConstantDeltaSpline(min: Double, max: Double, knots: IndexedSeq[Double]) extends Spline with Product with Serializable

    A spline with the property the delta between consecutive domain values is a fixed constant.

  3. trait MapTreeLike[K, +A] extends Tree[A, [+V]Map[K, V], MapTreeLike[K, A]]

    A tree with a map structure for the descendants data structure.

  4. final class OptToKv[A] extends AnyVal

    Provides an extension method toKv to convert Options to Seq[(String, Double)].

  5. trait PolynomialEvaluationAlgo extends AnyRef

    An algorithm for efficiently evaluating polynomials at a given point.

  6. case class PolynomialEvaluator(value: Coefficient, descendants: Map[String, PolynomialEvaluator] = ...) extends MapTreeLike[String, Coefficient] with PolynomialEvaluationAlgo with Product with Serializable

    Provides a method to evaluate polynomials given an input.

  7. trait RegFeatureCompiler extends AnyRef

    Created by deak on 11/1/15.

  8. trait RegressionFeatures[-A] extends AnyRef

    A helper trait for sparse regression models with String keys.

  9. case class RegressionModel[U, -A, +B <: U](modelId: ModelIdentity, featureNames: IndexedSeq[String], featureFunctions: IndexedSeq[GenAggFunc[A, Iterable[(String, Double)]]], beta: PolynomialEvaluationAlgo, invLinkFunction: (Double) ⇒ Double, spline: Option[Spline], numMissingThreshold: Option[Int], auditor: Auditor[U, Double, B]) extends SubmodelBase[U, Double, A, B] with RegressionFeatures[A] with Logging with Product with Serializable

    A regression model capable of doing not only linear regression but polynomial regression in general.

  10. trait RegressionModelValueToTupleConversions extends AnyRef

    Provides a series of implicit conversions to make the specification of regression models cleaner.

  11. sealed trait Spline extends (Double) ⇒ Double

Value Members

  1. object PolynomialEvaluator extends Serializable

    A polynomial evaluator.

  2. object RegressionModel extends ParserProviderCompanion with RegressionModelJson with Serializable

  3. object RegressionModelValueToTupleConversions extends RegressionModelValueToTupleConversions

  4. package json

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
