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add(ParameterDefinition) - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.ParameterDefinitionList
Add a parameter definition to the list.
AUTOMATIC - com.exasol.errorreporting.Quoting
Automatic quoting based on the type of the parameter value


build() - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.ParameterDefinition.Builder
build() - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.Placeholder.Builder
Build a new instance of a Placeholder.
builder(String) - Static method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.ParameterDefinition
Create a builder for an error code ParameterDefinition.
Builder(String) - Constructor for class com.exasol.errorreporting.Placeholder.Builder
Create a new builder for a Placeholder.


com.exasol.errorreporting - package com.exasol.errorreporting
containsKey(String) - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.ParameterDefinitionList
Check if a parameter of this name exists.


description(String) - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.ParameterDefinition.Builder
Set the parameter description.
DOUBLE_QUOTES - com.exasol.errorreporting.Quoting
Forced double quotes


endIndex(int) - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.Placeholder.Builder
Set the index at which the placeholder ends in the text it is embedded in.
error.reporting.java - module error.reporting.java
This module provides a Java-Builder for Exasol error messages.
ErrorMessageBuilder - Class in com.exasol.errorreporting
Builder for Exasol error messages.
ExaError - Class in com.exasol.errorreporting
Facade for building Exasol error messages.


findPlaceholders(String) - Static method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.PlaceholderMatcher
Find placeholders in a given string.


get(String) - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.ParameterDefinitionList
Get a parameter definition by the name of the parameter.
getDescription() - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.ParameterDefinition
Get the parameter description.
getEndIndex() - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.Placeholder
Get the index at which the placeholder ends in the text it is embedded in.
getName() - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.ParameterDefinition
Get the parameter name.
getQuoting() - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.Placeholder
Get the quoting style used when replacing this placeholder.
getReference() - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.Placeholder
Get the reference that points to the parameter that is used to replace this placeholder.
getStartIndex() - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.Placeholder
Get the index at which the placeholder starts in the text it is embedded in.
getValue() - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.ParameterDefinition
Get the parameter value.


hasDescription() - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.ParameterDefinition
Check if the description is set.
hasName() - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.ParameterDefinition
Check if the parameter has a name.
hasValue() - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.ParameterDefinition
Check if the value is set.


iterator() - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.PlaceholderMatcher


message(String, Object...) - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.ErrorMessageBuilder
Define an error message.
messageBuilder(String) - Static method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.ExaError
Get a builder for error messages.
mitigation(String, Object...) - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.ErrorMessageBuilder
Add a mitigation.


parameter(String, Object) - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.ErrorMessageBuilder
Add a parameter.
parameter(String, Object, String) - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.ErrorMessageBuilder
Add a parameter.
ParameterDefinition - Class in com.exasol.errorreporting
The class models an error code parameter.
ParameterDefinition.Builder - Class in com.exasol.errorreporting
Builder for an error code ParameterDefinition.
ParameterDefinitionList - Class in com.exasol.errorreporting
ParameterDefinitionList() - Constructor for class com.exasol.errorreporting.ParameterDefinitionList
parse(String) - Static method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.Placeholder
Parse a placeholder from a placeholder string.
Placeholder - Class in com.exasol.errorreporting
A placeholder.
Placeholder.Builder - Class in com.exasol.errorreporting
Builder for a Placeholder.
PlaceholderMatcher - Class in com.exasol.errorreporting
An iterable for placeholder in a given text.


quoting(Quoting) - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.Placeholder.Builder
Set the quoting style that should be used when replacing this placeholder.
Quoting - Enum in com.exasol.errorreporting
This enumeration contains options for quoting parameter values.


SINGLE_QUOTES - com.exasol.errorreporting.Quoting
Forced single quotes
startIndex(int) - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.Placeholder.Builder
Set the index at which the placeholder starts in the text it is embedded in.


ticketMitigation() - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.ErrorMessageBuilder
Add a mitigation for cases in which the only thing a user can do is opening a ticket.
toString() - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.ErrorMessageBuilder
Build the error message.
toString() - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.ParameterDefinition
toString() - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.Placeholder


UNDEFINED_PARAMETER - Static variable in class com.exasol.errorreporting.ParameterDefinition
Replacement Parameter in case a parameter is missing its name
UNQUOTED - com.exasol.errorreporting.Quoting
Forced unquoted


value(Object) - Method in class com.exasol.errorreporting.ParameterDefinition.Builder
Set the parameter value.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exasol.errorreporting.Quoting
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.exasol.errorreporting.Quoting
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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