
Annotation ProvidesDirective

    public @interface ProvidesDirective
    directive @provides(fields: _FieldSet!) on FIELD_DEFINITION

    The @provides directive is used to annotate the expected returned fieldset from a field on a base type that is guaranteed to be selectable by the gateway. This allows you to expose only a subset of fields from the underlying federated object type to be selectable from the federated schema. Provided fields specified in the directive field set should correspond to a valid field on the underlying GraphQL interface/object type. @provides directive can only be used on fields returning federated extended objects.

    Example: We might want to expose only name of the user that submitted a review.

    class Review(val id: String) {
      fun user(): User = // implementation goes here
    class User(
      @ExternalDirective val userId: String,
      @ExternalDirective val name: String

    should generate

    type Review @key(fields : "id") {
      id: String!
      user: User! @provides(fields : "name")
    type User @extends @key(fields : "userId") {
      userId: String! @external
      name: String! @external
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      private final FieldSet fields