

package scala

Provides Scala support for the Jackson JSON Processor.

Currently, full support is provided for:

Partial support exists for:

  1. def mapper = new ObjectMapper()


Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. scala
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class DefaultScalaModule extends Module with JacksonModule with IteratorModule with EnumerationModule with OptionModule with SeqModule with IterableModule with TupleModule with MapModule with SetModule with ScalaClassIntrospectorModule with UntypedObjectDeserializerModule

    Complete module with support for all features.

  2. trait EnumerationModule extends Module with EnumerationSerializerModule with EnumerationDeserializerModule

    Adds serialization and deserization support for Scala Enumerations.

  3. trait IterableModule extends Module with IterableSerializerModule

    Adds support for serializing Scala Iterables.

  4. trait IteratorModule extends Module with IteratorSerializerModule

  5. trait JacksonModule extends Module

  6. class JsonScalaEnumeration extends Annotation with Annotation with ClassfileAnnotation

  7. trait MapModule extends Module with MapSerializerModule with SortedMapDeserializerModule with UnsortedMapDeserializerModule

  8. trait OptionModule extends Module with OptionSerializerModule with OptionDeserializerModule

    Adds support for serializing and deserializing Scala Options.

  9. class ScalaModule extends DefaultScalaModule

  10. trait SeqModule extends Module with IterableSerializerModule with SeqDeserializerModule

    Adds support for serializing and deserializing Scala sequences.

  11. trait SetModule extends Module with UnsortedSetDeserializerModule

  12. trait TupleModule extends Module with TupleSerializerModule with TupleDeserializerModule

    Adds support for serializing and deserializing Scala Tuples.

Value Members

  1. object DefaultScalaModule extends DefaultScalaModule

  2. object JacksonModule

  3. package deser

  4. package experimental

  5. package introspect

  6. package modifiers

  7. package ser

  8. package util

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
