Class FlatAnimatedLafChange

  • public class FlatAnimatedLafChange
    extends Object
    Animated look and feel changing.

    Invoke showSnapshot() before setting look and feel and hideSnapshotWithAnimation() after updating UI. E.g.

     UIManager.setLookAndFeel( lafClassName );
    • Field Detail

      • duration

        public static int duration
        The duration of the animation in milliseconds. Default is 160 ms.
      • resolution

        public static int resolution
        The resolution of the animation in milliseconds. Default is 30 ms.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FlatAnimatedLafChange

        public FlatAnimatedLafChange()
    • Method Detail

      • showSnapshot

        public static void showSnapshot()
        Create a snapshot of the old UI and shows it on top of the UI. Invoke before setting new look and feel.
      • hideSnapshotWithAnimation

        public static void hideSnapshotWithAnimation()
        Starts an animation that shows the snapshot (created by showSnapshot()) with a decreasing alpha. At the end, the snapshot is removed and the new UI is shown. Invoke after updating UI.
      • stop

        public static void stop()
        Stops a running animation (if any) and hides the snapshot.