Class FlatInspector

  • public class FlatInspector
    extends Object
    A simple UI inspector that shows information about UI component at mouse location in a tooltip.

    To use it in an application install it with:

     FlatInspector.install( "ctrl shift alt X" );
    This can be done e.g. in the main() method and allows enabling (and disabling) the UI inspector for the active window with the given keystroke.

    When the UI inspector is active some additional keys are available:

    • press Esc key to disable UI inspector
    • press Ctrl key to increase inspection level, which shows information about parent of UI component at mouse location
    • press Shift key to decrease inspection level
    • Constructor Detail

      • FlatInspector

        public FlatInspector​(JRootPane rootPane)
    • Method Detail

      • install

        public static void install​(String activationKeys)
        Installs a key listener into the application that allows enabling and disabling the UI inspector with the given keystroke (e.g. "ctrl shift alt X").
        activationKeys - a keystroke (e.g. "ctrl shift alt X")
      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled()
      • setEnabled

        public void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
      • update

        public void update()