

package descriptors

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Annotation extends Record[Annotation] with Ordered[Annotation] with TBase[Annotation, _Fields]

  2. class AnnotationCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[Annotation]

  3. trait AnnotationProxy extends Annotation

  4. trait BaseType extends Record[BaseType] with Ordered[BaseType] with TBase[BaseType, _Fields]

  5. class BaseTypeCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[BaseType]

  6. trait BaseTypeProxy extends BaseType

  7. trait Const extends Record[Const] with Ordered[Const] with TBase[Const, _Fields]

  8. class ConstCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[Const]

  9. trait ConstProxy extends Const

  10. trait ContainerType extends Record[ContainerType] with Ordered[ContainerType] with TBase[ContainerType, _Fields]

  11. class ContainerTypeCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[ContainerType]

  12. trait ContainerTypeProxy extends ContainerType

  13. trait Enum extends Record[Enum] with Ordered[Enum] with TBase[Enum, _Fields]

  14. class EnumCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[Enum]

  15. trait EnumElement extends Record[EnumElement] with Ordered[EnumElement] with TBase[EnumElement, _Fields]

  16. class EnumElementCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[EnumElement]

  17. trait EnumElementProxy extends EnumElement

  18. trait EnumProxy extends Enum

  19. trait Exception extends Record[Exception] with Ordered[Exception] with TBase[Exception, _Fields]

  20. class ExceptionCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[Exception]

  21. trait ExceptionProxy extends Exception

  22. trait Field extends Record[Field] with Ordered[Field] with TBase[Field, _Fields]

  23. class FieldCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[Field]

  24. trait FieldProxy extends Field

  25. trait Function extends Record[Function] with Ordered[Function] with TBase[Function, _Fields]

  26. class FunctionCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[Function]

  27. trait FunctionProxy extends Function

  28. trait Include extends Record[Include] with Ordered[Include] with TBase[Include, _Fields]

  29. class IncludeCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[Include]

  30. trait IncludeProxy extends Include

  31. trait ListType extends Record[ListType] with Ordered[ListType] with TBase[ListType, _Fields]

  32. class ListTypeCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[ListType]

  33. trait ListTypeProxy extends ListType

  34. trait MapType extends Record[MapType] with Ordered[MapType] with TBase[MapType, _Fields]

  35. class MapTypeCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[MapType]

  36. trait MapTypeProxy extends MapType

  37. trait MutableAnnotation extends Annotation

  38. trait MutableAnnotationProxy extends MutableAnnotation with AnnotationProxy

  39. trait MutableBaseType extends BaseType

  40. trait MutableBaseTypeProxy extends MutableBaseType with BaseTypeProxy

  41. trait MutableConst extends Const

  42. trait MutableConstProxy extends MutableConst with ConstProxy

  43. trait MutableContainerType extends ContainerType

  44. trait MutableContainerTypeProxy extends MutableContainerType with ContainerTypeProxy

  45. trait MutableEnum extends Enum

  46. trait MutableEnumElement extends EnumElement

  47. trait MutableEnumElementProxy extends MutableEnumElement with EnumElementProxy

  48. trait MutableEnumProxy extends MutableEnum with EnumProxy

  49. trait MutableException extends Exception

  50. trait MutableExceptionProxy extends MutableException with ExceptionProxy

  51. trait MutableField extends Field

  52. trait MutableFieldProxy extends MutableField with FieldProxy

  53. trait MutableFunction extends Function

  54. trait MutableFunctionProxy extends MutableFunction with FunctionProxy

  55. trait MutableInclude extends Include

  56. trait MutableIncludeProxy extends MutableInclude with IncludeProxy

  57. trait MutableListType extends ListType

  58. trait MutableListTypeProxy extends MutableListType with ListTypeProxy

  59. trait MutableMapType extends MapType

  60. trait MutableMapTypeProxy extends MutableMapType with MapTypeProxy

  61. trait MutableNamespace extends Namespace

  62. trait MutableNamespaceProxy extends MutableNamespace with NamespaceProxy

  63. trait MutableProgram extends Program

  64. trait MutableProgramProxy extends MutableProgram with ProgramProxy

  65. trait MutableService extends Service

  66. trait MutableServiceProxy extends MutableService with ServiceProxy

  67. trait MutableSetType extends SetType

  68. trait MutableSetTypeProxy extends MutableSetType with SetTypeProxy

  69. trait MutableSimpleContainerType extends SimpleContainerType

  70. trait MutableSimpleContainerTypeProxy extends MutableSimpleContainerType with SimpleContainerTypeProxy

  71. trait MutableSimpleType extends SimpleType

  72. trait MutableSimpleTypeProxy extends MutableSimpleType with SimpleTypeProxy

  73. trait MutableStruct extends Struct

  74. trait MutableStructProxy extends MutableStruct with StructProxy

  75. trait MutableType extends Type

  76. trait MutableTypeProxy extends MutableType with TypeProxy

  77. trait MutableTypeRegistry extends TypeRegistry

  78. trait MutableTypeRegistryProxy extends MutableTypeRegistry with TypeRegistryProxy

  79. trait MutableTypedef extends Typedef

  80. trait MutableTypedefProxy extends MutableTypedef with TypedefProxy

  81. trait MutableTyperef extends Typeref

  82. trait MutableTyperefProxy extends MutableTyperef with TyperefProxy

  83. trait MutableUnion extends Union

  84. trait MutableUnionProxy extends MutableUnion with UnionProxy

  85. trait Namespace extends Record[Namespace] with Ordered[Namespace] with TBase[Namespace, _Fields]

  86. class NamespaceCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[Namespace]

  87. trait NamespaceProxy extends Namespace

  88. trait Program extends Record[Program] with Ordered[Program] with TBase[Program, _Fields]

  89. class ProgramCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[Program]

  90. trait ProgramProxy extends Program

  91. final class RawAnnotation extends MutableAnnotation

  92. final class RawBaseType extends MutableBaseType

  93. final class RawConst extends MutableConst

  94. final class RawContainerType extends MutableContainerType

  95. final class RawEnum extends MutableEnum

  96. final class RawEnumElement extends MutableEnumElement

  97. final class RawException extends MutableException

  98. final class RawField extends MutableField

  99. final class RawFunction extends MutableFunction

  100. final class RawInclude extends MutableInclude

  101. final class RawListType extends MutableListType

  102. final class RawMapType extends MutableMapType

  103. final class RawNamespace extends MutableNamespace

  104. final class RawProgram extends MutableProgram

  105. final class RawService extends MutableService

  106. final class RawSetType extends MutableSetType

  107. final class RawSimpleContainerType extends MutableSimpleContainerType

  108. final class RawSimpleType extends MutableSimpleType

  109. final class RawStruct extends MutableStruct

  110. final class RawType extends MutableType

  111. final class RawTypeRegistry extends MutableTypeRegistry

  112. final class RawTypedef extends MutableTypedef

  113. final class RawTyperef extends MutableTyperef

  114. final class RawUnion extends MutableUnion

  115. sealed abstract class Requiredness extends foursquare.spindle.Enum[Requiredness] with TEnum

  116. trait Service extends Record[Service] with Ordered[Service] with TBase[Service, _Fields]

  117. class ServiceCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[Service]

  118. trait ServiceProxy extends Service

  119. trait SetType extends Record[SetType] with Ordered[SetType] with TBase[SetType, _Fields]

  120. class SetTypeCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[SetType]

  121. trait SetTypeProxy extends SetType

  122. sealed abstract class SimpleBaseType extends foursquare.spindle.Enum[SimpleBaseType] with TEnum

  123. trait SimpleContainerType extends Record[SimpleContainerType] with Ordered[SimpleContainerType] with TBase[SimpleContainerType, _Fields]

  124. class SimpleContainerTypeCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[SimpleContainerType]

  125. trait SimpleContainerTypeProxy extends SimpleContainerType

  126. trait SimpleType extends Record[SimpleType] with Ordered[SimpleType] with TBase[SimpleType, _Fields]

  127. class SimpleTypeCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[SimpleType]

  128. trait SimpleTypeProxy extends SimpleType

  129. trait Struct extends Record[Struct] with Ordered[Struct] with TBase[Struct, _Fields]

  130. class StructCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[Struct]

  131. trait StructProxy extends Struct

  132. trait Type extends Record[Type] with Ordered[Type] with TBase[Type, _Fields]

  133. class TypeCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[Type]

  134. trait TypeProxy extends Type

  135. trait TypeRegistry extends Record[TypeRegistry] with Ordered[TypeRegistry] with TBase[TypeRegistry, _Fields]

  136. class TypeRegistryCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[TypeRegistry]

  137. trait TypeRegistryProxy extends TypeRegistry

  138. trait Typedef extends Record[Typedef] with Ordered[Typedef] with TBase[Typedef, _Fields]

  139. class TypedefCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[Typedef]

  140. trait TypedefProxy extends Typedef

  141. trait Typeref extends Record[Typeref] with Ordered[Typeref] with TBase[Typeref, _Fields]

  142. class TyperefCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[Typeref]

  143. trait TyperefProxy extends Typeref

  144. trait Union extends Record[Union] with Ordered[Union] with TBase[Union, _Fields]

  145. class UnionCompanionProvider extends CompanionProvider[Union]

  146. trait UnionProxy extends Union

Value Members

  1. object Annotation extends MetaRecord[Annotation] with RecordProvider[Annotation] with Serializable

  2. object BaseType extends MetaRecord[BaseType] with RecordProvider[BaseType] with Serializable

  3. object Const extends MetaRecord[Const] with RecordProvider[Const] with Serializable

  4. object ContainerType extends MetaRecord[ContainerType] with RecordProvider[ContainerType] with Serializable

  5. object Enum extends MetaRecord[Enum] with RecordProvider[Enum] with Serializable

  6. object EnumElement extends MetaRecord[EnumElement] with RecordProvider[EnumElement] with Serializable

  7. object Exception extends MetaRecord[Exception] with RecordProvider[Exception] with Serializable

  8. object Field extends MetaRecord[Field] with RecordProvider[Field] with Serializable

  9. object Function extends MetaRecord[Function] with RecordProvider[Function] with Serializable

  10. object Include extends MetaRecord[Include] with RecordProvider[Include] with Serializable

  11. object ListType extends MetaRecord[ListType] with RecordProvider[ListType] with Serializable

  12. object MapType extends MetaRecord[MapType] with RecordProvider[MapType] with Serializable

  13. object Namespace extends MetaRecord[Namespace] with RecordProvider[Namespace] with Serializable

  14. object Program extends MetaRecord[Program] with RecordProvider[Program] with Serializable

  15. object Requiredness extends EnumMeta[Requiredness]

  16. object Service extends MetaRecord[Service] with RecordProvider[Service] with Serializable

  17. object SetType extends MetaRecord[SetType] with RecordProvider[SetType] with Serializable

  18. object SimpleBaseType extends EnumMeta[SimpleBaseType]

  19. object SimpleContainerType extends MetaRecord[SimpleContainerType] with RecordProvider[SimpleContainerType] with Serializable

  20. object SimpleType extends MetaRecord[SimpleType] with RecordProvider[SimpleType] with Serializable

  21. object Struct extends MetaRecord[Struct] with RecordProvider[Struct] with Serializable

  22. object Type extends MetaRecord[Type] with RecordProvider[Type] with Serializable

  23. object TypeRegistry extends MetaRecord[TypeRegistry] with RecordProvider[TypeRegistry] with Serializable

  24. object Typedef extends MetaRecord[Typedef] with RecordProvider[Typedef] with Serializable

  25. object Typeref extends MetaRecord[Typeref] with RecordProvider[Typeref] with Serializable

  26. object Union extends MetaRecord[Union] with RecordProvider[Union] with Serializable
