
trait RawInput

RAW Input

See documentation for Input/Output traits


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def allowStringMap: Boolean
def nextValueIsNull: Boolean

Returns true if the next value is known to be null otherwise false if the value is not null or is unknown. This means that even if the next value ends up being null this can return false.

Returns true if the next value is known to be null otherwise false if the value is not null or is unknown. This means that even if the next value ends up being null this can return false.

Note: If the next value is null then this method should consume that input


def readRawBigDecimal(): BigDecimal
def readRawBigInteger(): BigInteger
def readRawBool(): Boolean
def readRawByteArray(): Array[Byte]
def readRawCollection[T](f: CollectionInput => T): T
def readRawDouble(): Double
def readRawFixedInt(): Int
def readRawFixedLong(): Long
def readRawFloat(): Float
def readRawInt(): Int
def readRawLong(): Long
def readRawObject[T](f: FieldInput => T): T
def readRawSignedInt(): Int
def readRawSignedLong(): Long
def readRawString(): String
def readRawUnsignedInt(): Int
def readRawUnsignedLong(): Long