
trait RawOutput

RAW Output

See the documentation for Output


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def allowStringMap: Boolean
def writeRawBigDecimal(value: BigDecimal): Unit
def writeRawBigInteger(value: BigInteger): Unit
def writeRawBool(value: Boolean): Unit
def writeRawByteArray(value: Array[Byte]): Unit
def writeRawCollection[T](col: T)(f: (NestedOutput, T) => Unit): Unit

Write out a RAW collection. This method will wrap the collection in whatever leading/trailing "stuff" is needed (e.g. length prefixing, leading/trailing chars, etc...). The method that you pass in should use the Output instance to make repeated calls to a single write

Write out a RAW collection. This method will wrap the collection in whatever leading/trailing "stuff" is needed (e.g. length prefixing, leading/trailing chars, etc...). The method that you pass in should use the Output instance to make repeated calls to a single write


def writeRawDouble(value: Double): Unit
def writeRawFixedInt(value: Int): Unit
def writeRawFixedLong(value: Long): Unit
def writeRawFloat(value: Float): Unit
def writeRawInt(value: Int): Unit
def writeRawLong(value: Long): Unit
def writeRawObject[T](obj: T)(f: (FieldOutput, T) => Unit): Unit

For writing objects. Note: that the obj is passed in for null handling by the implementation. If the object is not null then the function f will be called so the caller can write out the fields

For writing objects. Note: that the obj is passed in for null handling by the implementation. If the object is not null then the function f will be called so the caller can write out the fields


def writeRawSignedInt(value: Int): Unit
def writeRawSignedLong(value: Long): Unit
def writeRawString(value: String): Unit
def writeRawUnsignedInt(value: Int): Unit
def writeRawUnsignedLong(value: Long): Unit