
final class ProtobufOutput() extends Output

Modified Protocol Buffers Output

The main difference between his and the stock Protocol Buffers Implementation is the handling of repeated fields. In this implementation:

  • We use ONLY packed repeated fields for collections (including non-numeric types)

The Stock Implementation:

  • Optionally uses packed repeated fields for numeric types


trait Output
trait RawOutput
trait NestedOutput
trait FieldOutput
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def allowStringMap: Boolean
final def makeTag(fieldNumber: Int, wireType: Int): Int

Copied From WireType.makeTag

Copied From WireType.makeTag


def reset(): Unit
def toByteArray: Array[Byte]
final def writeFieldBigDecimal(number: Int, name: String, value: BigDecimal): Unit
final def writeFieldBigInteger(number: Int, name: String, value: BigInteger): Unit
final def writeFieldBool(number: Int, name: String, value: Boolean): Unit
final def writeFieldByteArray(number: Int, name: String, value: Array[Byte]): Unit
final def writeFieldCollection[T](number: Int, name: String, col: T)(f: (NestedOutput, T) => Unit): Unit
final def writeFieldDouble(number: Int, name: String, value: Double): Unit
final def writeFieldFixedInt(number: Int, name: String, value: Int): Unit
final def writeFieldFixedLong(number: Int, name: String, value: Long): Unit
final def writeFieldFloat(number: Int, name: String, value: Float): Unit
final def writeFieldInt(number: Int, name: String, value: Int): Unit
final def writeFieldLong(number: Int, name: String, value: Long): Unit
final def writeFieldNull(number: Int, name: String): Unit
final def writeFieldObject[T](number: Int, name: String, obj: T)(f: (FieldOutput, T) => Unit): Unit
final def writeFieldSignedInt(number: Int, name: String, value: Int): Unit
final def writeFieldSignedLong(number: Int, name: String, value: Long): Unit
final def writeFieldString(number: Int, name: String, value: String): Unit
final def writeFieldUnsignedInt(number: Int, name: String, value: Int): Unit
final def writeFieldUnsignedLong(number: Int, name: String, value: Long): Unit
final def writeNestedBigDecimal(value: BigDecimal): Unit
final def writeNestedBigInteger(value: BigInteger): Unit
final def writeNestedBool(value: Boolean): Unit
final def writeNestedByteArray(value: Array[Byte]): Unit
final def writeNestedCollection[T](col: T)(f: (NestedOutput, T) => Unit): Unit
final def writeNestedDouble(value: Double): Unit
final def writeNestedFixedInt(value: Int): Unit
final def writeNestedFixedLong(value: Long): Unit
final def writeNestedFloat(value: Float): Unit
final def writeNestedInt(value: Int): Unit
final def writeNestedLong(value: Long): Unit
final def writeNestedObject[T](obj: T)(f: (FieldOutput, T) => Unit): Unit
final def writeNestedSignedInt(value: Int): Unit
final def writeNestedSignedLong(value: Long): Unit
final def writeNestedString(value: String): Unit
final def writeNestedUnsignedInt(value: Int): Unit
final def writeNestedUnsignedLong(value: Long): Unit
final def writeRawBigDecimal(value: BigDecimal): Unit
final def writeRawBigInteger(value: BigInteger): Unit
final def writeRawBool(value: Boolean): Unit
final def writeRawByteArray(value: Array[Byte]): Unit
final def writeRawCollection[T](col: T)(f: (NestedOutput, T) => Unit): Unit

Write out a RAW collection. This method will wrap the collection in whatever leading/trailing "stuff" is needed (e.g. length prefixing, leading/trailing chars, etc...). The method that you pass in should use the Output instance to make repeated calls to a single write

Write out a RAW collection. This method will wrap the collection in whatever leading/trailing "stuff" is needed (e.g. length prefixing, leading/trailing chars, etc...). The method that you pass in should use the Output instance to make repeated calls to a single write


final def writeRawDouble(value: Double): Unit
final def writeRawFixedInt(value: Int): Unit
final def writeRawFixedLong(value: Long): Unit
final def writeRawFloat(value: Float): Unit
final def writeRawInt(value: Int): Unit
final def writeRawLong(value: Long): Unit
final def writeRawObject[T](obj: T)(f: (FieldOutput, T) => Unit): Unit

For writing objects. Note: that the obj is passed in for null handling by the implementation. If the object is not null then the function f will be called so the caller can write out the fields

For writing objects. Note: that the obj is passed in for null handling by the implementation. If the object is not null then the function f will be called so the caller can write out the fields


final def writeRawSignedInt(value: Int): Unit
final def writeRawSignedLong(value: Long): Unit
final def writeRawString(value: String): Unit
final def writeRawUnsignedInt(value: Int): Unit
final def writeRawUnsignedLong(value: Long): Unit
final def writeRawVarint32(value: Int, arr: Array[Byte], off: Int): Int

Encode and write a varint. value is treated as unsigned, so it won't be sign-extended if negative.

Encode and write a varint. value is treated as unsigned, so it won't be sign-extended if negative.


final def writeRawVarint64(value: Long, arr: Array[Byte], off: Int): Int

Encode and write a varint64.

Encode and write a varint64.
