

package pipeline

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractPipePair[CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow] extends AnyRef

    Java API: A pair of pipes, one for commands and one for events.

  2. abstract class AbstractPipelineContext extends PipelineContext

    This base trait of each pipeline’s context provides optimized facilities for generating single commands or events (i.

  3. abstract class AbstractSymmetricPipePair[Above, Below] extends AbstractPipePair[Above, Below, Above, Below]

    A convenience type for expressing a AbstractPipePair which has the same types for commands and events.

  4. class BackpressureBuffer extends PipelineStage[HasLogging, Command, Command,,]

    This pipeline stage implements a configurable buffer for transforming the per-write ACK/NACK-based backpressure model of a TCP connection actor into an edge-triggered back-pressure model: the upper stages will receive notification when the buffer runs full (BackpressureBuffer.HighWatermarkReached) and when it subsequently empties (BackpressureBuffer.LowWatermarkReached).

  5. class DelimiterFraming extends SymmetricPipelineStage[PipelineContext, akka.util.ByteString, akka.util.ByteString]

    Pipeline stage for delimiter byte based framing and de-framing.

  6. trait HasActorContext extends PipelineContext

    This trait expresses that the pipeline’s context needs to live within an actor and provide its ActorContext.

  7. trait HasLogging extends PipelineContext

    This trait expresses that the pipeline’s context needs to provide a logging facility.

  8. class LengthFieldFrame extends SymmetricPipelineStage[PipelineContext, akka.util.ByteString, akka.util.ByteString]

    Pipeline stage for length-field encoded framing.

  9. trait PipePair[CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow] extends AnyRef

    Scala API: A pair of pipes, one for commands and one for events, plus a management port.

  10. trait PipelineContext extends AnyRef

    This base trait of each pipeline’s context provides optimized facilities for generating single commands or events (i.

  11. trait PipelineInjector[Cmd, Evt] extends AnyRef

    A handle for injecting commands and events into a pipeline.

  12. case class PipelinePorts[CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow](commands: (CmdAbove) ⇒ (Iterable[EvtAbove], Iterable[CmdBelow]), events: (EvtBelow) ⇒ (Iterable[EvtAbove], Iterable[CmdBelow]), management: PartialFunction[AnyRef, (Iterable[EvtAbove], Iterable[CmdBelow])]) extends Product with Serializable

  13. abstract class PipelineSink[Cmd, Evt] extends AnyRef

    A sink which can be attached by PipelineFactory#buildWithSink to a pipeline when it is being built.

  14. abstract class PipelineStage[Context <: PipelineContext, CmdAbove, CmdBelow, EvtAbove, EvtBelow] extends AnyRef

    A pipeline stage which can be combined with other stages to build a protocol stack.

  15. class StringByteStringAdapter extends PipelineStage[PipelineContext, String, akka.util.ByteString, String, akka.util.ByteString]

    Simple convenience pipeline stage for turning Strings into ByteStrings and vice versa.

  16. trait SymmetricPipePair[Above, Below] extends PipePair[Above, Below, Above, Below]

    A convenience type for expressing a PipePair which has the same types for commands and events.

  17. abstract class SymmetricPipelineStage[Context <: PipelineContext, Above, Below] extends PipelineStage[Context, Above, Below, Above, Below]

    A PipelineStage which is symmetric in command and event types, i.

  18. class TcpPipelineHandler[Ctx <: PipelineContext, Cmd, Evt] extends Actor with RequiresMessageQueue[UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics]

    This actor wraps a pipeline and forwards commands and events between that one and a Tcp connection actor.

  19. class TcpReadWriteAdapter extends PipelineStage[PipelineContext, akka.util.ByteString, Command, akka.util.ByteString,]

    Adapts a ByteString oriented pipeline stage to a stage that communicates via Tcp Commands and Events.

  20. class TickGenerator[Cmd <: AnyRef, Evt <: AnyRef] extends PipelineStage[HasActorContext, Cmd, Cmd, Evt, Evt]

    This pipeline stage does not alter the events or commands

Value Members

  1. object BackpressureBuffer

  2. object PipePairFactory

    This class contains static factory methods which produce PipePair instances; those are needed within the implementation of PipelineStage#apply.

  3. object PipelineFactory

    This class contains static factory methods which turn a pipeline context and a PipelineStage into readily usable pipelines.

  4. object PipelineStage

  5. object TcpPipelineHandler

  6. object TickGenerator
