

package cache

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class CacheInitializationStrategy extends Enum[CacheInitializationStrategy]

  2. trait ManuallyReloadableCache[K, V] extends LoadingCache[K, V]

  3. trait ShutdownableLoadingCache[K, V] extends LoadingCache[K, V]

    Wrapper for Guava's LoadingCache/CacheBuilder API with a bulk cache load and replacement strategy.

  4. class CacheSet extends AnyRef

    Keeps named references to a bunch of related Guava Caches.

  5. class RichCache[K, V, C <: Cache[K, V]] extends Proxy

    Scala-friendly methods for Guava Cache

  6. class RichCacheBuilder[K0, V0] extends Proxy

    Scala-friendly methods for Guava CacheBuilder

  7. class RichLoadingCache[K, V] extends RichCache[K, V, LoadingCache[K, V]]


    (Since version 0.0.9) Use BulkLoadingCache

Value Members

  1. object BulkLoadingCache

  2. object BulkLoadingCacheFactory

    Java factory API for creating a BulkLoadingCache, which is a LoadingCache that periodically bulk-loads and atomically updates itself.

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object CacheConversions

    Implicit conversions to/from Guava Cache & CacheBuilder

  2. object CacheUtils

    Utils for Guava Cache
