

package query

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class OpmPropertyBetween[T](property: String, start: T, end: T, valueTranslator: Option[(String, Any) ⇒ Any] = scala.None)(implicit evidence$1: (T) ⇒ Ordered[T]) extends OpmPropertyQuery with Product with Serializable

    Case class representing the logic to filter a property that is between the given values, inclusive.

  2. case class OpmPropertyBetweenExclusive[T](property: String, start: T, end: T, valueTranslator: Option[(String, Any) ⇒ Any] = scala.None)(implicit evidence$1: (T) ⇒ Ordered[T]) extends OpmPropertyQuery with Product with Serializable

    Case class representing the logic to filter a property that is between the given values, exclusive.

  3. case class OpmPropertyBlank(property: String) extends OpmPropertyQuery with Product with Serializable

    Case class representing the logic to filter a property that is blank in the datastore.

  4. case class OpmPropertyContains(property: String, value: Any, valueTranslator: Option[(String, Any) ⇒ Any] = scala.None) extends OpmPropertyQuery with Product with Serializable

    Case class representing the logic to filter an array property that is contains the given value.

  5. case class OpmPropertyEquals(property: String, value: Any, valueTranslator: Option[(String, Any) ⇒ Any] = scala.None) extends OpmPropertyQuery with Product with Serializable

    Case class representing the logic to filter a property that is equal to the given value.

  6. case class OpmPropertyGreaterThan[T](property: String, value: T, valueTranslator: Option[(String, Any) ⇒ Any] = scala.None)(implicit evidence$1: (T) ⇒ Ordered[T]) extends OpmPropertyQuery with Product with Serializable

    Case class representing the logic to filter a property that is greater than the given value.

  7. case class OpmPropertyGreaterThanOrEqual[T](property: String, value: T, valueTranslator: Option[(String, Any) ⇒ Any] = scala.None)(implicit evidence$1: (T) ⇒ Ordered[T]) extends OpmPropertyQuery with Product with Serializable

    Case class representing the logic to filter a property that is greater than or equal to the given value.

  8. case class OpmPropertyIn(property: String, value: Iterable[Any], valueTranslator: Option[(String, Any) ⇒ Any] = scala.None) extends OpmPropertyQuery with Product with Serializable

    Case class representing the logic to filter a property that is included the given array.

  9. case class OpmPropertyLessThan[T](property: String, value: T, valueTranslator: Option[(String, Any) ⇒ Any] = scala.None)(implicit evidence$1: (T) ⇒ Ordered[T]) extends OpmPropertyQuery with Product with Serializable

    Case class representing the logic to filter a property that is less than the given value.

  10. case class OpmPropertyLessThanOrEqual[T](property: String, value: T, valueTranslator: Option[(String, Any) ⇒ Any] = scala.None)(implicit evidence$1: (T) ⇒ Ordered[T]) extends OpmPropertyQuery with Product with Serializable

    Case class representing the logic to filter a property that is less than or equal to the given value.

  11. trait OpmPropertyQuery extends AnyRef

    Implement this with case classes to define the manner in which individual properties can be queried.

  12. case class OpmSearcher[T <: OpmObject](finishSearch: (OpmPropertyQuery, Boolean) ⇒ OpmQueryResult[T], matchInverse: Boolean = false, valueTranslator: Option[(String, Any) ⇒ Any] = scala.None, stackOverride: Stack[Scratch] = null)(implicit evidence$1: Manifest[T]) extends Product with Serializable

    A class to help determine correct typing on searches for a given OpmObject T.

  13. case class OpmSearcherHelper[T <: OpmObject, V](result: OpmSearcher[T])(implicit mf: Manifest[T]) extends Product with Serializable

  14. class OpmSearcherHelperWithIterable[T <: OpmObject, V, U <: Iterable[V]] extends AnyRef

  15. class OrderedOpmSearcherHelper[T <: OpmObject, V] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object OpmQueryNoFilter extends OpmPropertyQuery

    To be used when no filter is required.

  2. object OpmSearcherHelper extends Serializable
