



package models

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class BotProfile(bot_id: String, api_app_id: String, always_active: Boolean, first_name: String, avatar_hash: String, real_name: String, real_name_normalized: String, image_24: String, image_32: String, image_48: String, image_72: String, image_192: String, image_512: String, fields: Option[Json]) extends Profile with Product with Serializable

  2. case class Channel(id: String, name: String, is_channel: String, created: Double, creator: String, is_archived: Boolean, is_general: Boolean, members: List[String], topic: Topic, purpose: Topic, is_member: Boolean, last_read: String, latest: Latest, unread_count: Double, unread_count_display: Double, previous_names: Option[List[String]]) extends Product with Serializable

  3. case class File(id: String, created: Double, timestamp: Double, name: String, title: String, mimetype: String, filetype: String, pretty_type: String, user: String, mode: String, editable: Boolean, is_external: Boolean, external_type: String, username: String, size: Double, url_private: String, url_private_download: String, thumb_64: String, thumb_80: String, thumb_360: String, thumb_360_gif: String, thumb_360_w: Double, thumb_360_h: Double, thumb_480: String, thumb_480_w: Double, thumb_480_h: Double, thumb_160: String, permalink: String, permalink_public: String, edit_link: String, preview: String, preview_highlight: String, lines: Double, lines_more: Double, is_public: Boolean, public_url_shared: Boolean, display_as_bot: Boolean, channels: List[String], groups: List[String], ims: List[String], initial_comment: InitialComment, num_stars: Double, is_starred: Boolean, pinned_to: List[String], reactions: List[Reactions], comments_count: Double) extends Product with Serializable

  4. case class HumanProfile(avatar_hash: String, current_status: Option[String], first_name: Option[String], last_name: Option[String], real_name: String, email: Option[String], skype: Option[String], phone: Option[String], image_24: String, image_32: String, image_48: String, image_72: String, image_192: String, image_512: String, fields: Option[Json]) extends Profile with Product with Serializable

  5. case class InitialComment() extends Product with Serializable

  6. case class InstantMessage(id: String, is_im: Boolean, user: String, created: Double, is_user_deleted: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

  7. case class Latest() extends Product with Serializable

  8. case class MultipartyInstantMessage(id: String, name: String, is_mpim: Boolean, is_group: Boolean, created: Double, creator: String, members: List[String], last_read: String, latest: Latest, unread_count: Double, unread_count_display: Double) extends Product with Serializable

  9. case class Prefs(channels: List[Channel], groups: List[JsonObject]) extends Product with Serializable

  10. sealed trait Profile extends AnyRef

  11. case class Reactions(name: String, count: Double, users: List[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  12. case class Topic(value: String, creator: String, last_set: Double) extends Product with Serializable

  13. case class User(id: String, team_id: String, name: String, deleted: Boolean, color: Option[String], real_name: Option[String], tz: Option[String], tz_label: Option[String], tz_offset: Option[Int], profile: Profile, is_admin: Option[Boolean], is_owner: Option[Boolean], is_primary_owner: Option[Boolean], is_restricted: Option[Boolean], is_ultra_restricted: Option[Boolean], updated: Double, has_2fa: Option[Boolean], two_factor_type: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  14. case class UserGroup(id: String, team_id: String, is_usergroup: Boolean, name: String, description: String, handle: String, is_external: Boolean, date_create: Double, date_update: Double, date_delete: Double, auto_type: String, created_by: String, updated_by: String, deleted_by: String, prefs: Prefs, users: List[String], user_count: String) extends Product with Serializable

