



package messages

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class Abort(details: Dict = Abort.defaultDetails, reason: Uri)(implicit validator: Validator) extends Message with Product with Serializable


    Sent by a peer to abort the opening of a session.

    Sent by a peer to abort the opening of a session. No response is expected.


    is a dictionary (empty by default) that allows to provide additional and optional closing information


    is the reason given as URI (e.g. "wamp.error.no_such_realm")

  2. final case class Bind(router: ActorRef, transport: String = "default") extends Command with Product with Serializable


    This bind command is sent by routing applications with the intent to bind the router to a given named transport configuration

    This bind command is sent by routing applications with the intent to bind the router to a given named transport configuration

    It is sent to the extension manager actor, which is obtained via WampExtension#manager. Either the manager replies either with a CommandFailed signal or with a Bound signal bearing the reference to the newly spawned akka.wamp.router.TransportListener actor.


    is the router to bind


    is the name of the transport configuration to bind to

  3. final case class Bound(listener: ActorRef, url: String) extends Signal with Product with Serializable


    This bound signal is replied back whenever a Bind command succeed.

    This bound signal is replied back whenever a Bind command succeed.


    is the actor reference of the newly spawned router.TransportListener actor


    is the URL the listener is actually bound to

  4. final case class Call(requestId: RequestId, options: Dict = Call.defaultOptions, procedure: Uri, payload: Payload = Payload.defaultPayload)(implicit validator: Validator) extends Message with PayloadHolder with Product with Serializable


    Request sent by a caller to a dealer to call a procedure

    Request sent by a caller to a dealer to call a procedure

    [CALL, Request|id, Options|dict, Procedure|uri] [CALL, Request|id, Options|dict, Procedure|uri, Arguments|list] [CALL, Request|id, Options|dict, Procedure|uri, Arguments|list, ArgumentsKw|dict]


    is a random, ephemeral identifier chosen by the caller and used to correlate the dealer's response with the request


    is a dictionary that allows to provide additional call request options in an extensible way


    is the URI of the procedure to be called


    is either a list of positional call arguments or dictionary of keyword call arguments (each of arbitrary type)

  5. trait Command extends ManagedMessage


    Common interface for all commands the Wamp manager can execute

    Common interface for all commands the Wamp manager can execute

    - Connect - Disconnect - Bind - Unbind - ...

  6. case class CommandFailed(cmd: Command, ex: Throwable) extends Signal with Product with Serializable


    This failure signal is replied back whenever a command fails

    This failure signal is replied back whenever a command fails


    is the original command which failed


    is the exception thrown

  7. final case class Connect(url: String, subprotocol: String) extends Command with Product with Serializable


    This connect command is sent by a client applications with the intent to connect to a router.

    This connect command is sent by a client applications with the intent to connect to a router.

    It is sent to the Wamp ExtensionManager, which is obtained via WampExtension#manager. Either the manager replies with a CommandFailed signal or with a Connected signal bearing the reference to the newly spawned client.TransportHandler actor.


    is the URL to connect to (e.g. "ws://")


    is the WebSocket subprotocol to negotiate (e.g. "wamp.2.msgpack" or "wamp.2.json")

  8. final case class Connected(inletHandler: ActorRef) extends Signal with Product with Serializable


    This connected signal is replied back whenever a Connect command succeed.

    This connected signal is replied back whenever a Connect command succeed.


    is the actor reference of the newly spawned client.TransportHandler

  9. sealed abstract class Disconnected extends Signal


    This disconnected signal announces handler disconnection

  10. final case class Error(requestType: Int, requestId: RequestId, details: Dict = Error.defaultDetails, error: Uri, payload: Payload = Payload.defaultPayload)(implicit validator: Validator) extends Message with PayloadHolder with Product with Serializable


    Error reply sent by a peer as an error response to different kinds of requests.

    Error reply sent by a peer as an error response to different kinds of requests.

    [ERROR, REQUEST.Type|int, REQUEST.Request|id, Details|dict, Error|uri [ERROR, REQUEST.Type|int, REQUEST.Request|id, Details|dict, Error|uri, Arguments|list] [ERROR, REQUEST.Type|int, REQUEST.Request|id, Details|dict, Error|uri, Arguments|list, ArgumentsKw|dict]


    is either a list of any arguments or a key-value-pairs set

  11. final case class Event(subscriptionId: SubscriptionId, publicationId: PublicationId, details: Dict = Event.defaultOptions, payload: Payload = Payload.defaultPayload)(implicit validator: Validator, executionContent: ExecutionContext) extends Message with PayloadHolder with Product with Serializable


    Event dispatched by brokers to subscribers for subscriptions the event was matching.

    Event dispatched by brokers to subscribers for subscriptions the event was matching.

    [EVENT, SUBSCRIBED.Subscription|id, PUBLISHED.Publication|id, Details|dict] [EVENT, SUBSCRIBED.Subscription|id, PUBLISHED.Publication|id, Details|dict, Arguments|list] [EVENT, SUBSCRIBED.Subscription|id, PUBLISHED.Publication|id, Details|dict, Arguments|list, ArgumentsKw|dict]


    is the identifier for the subscription under which the Subscribe receives the event (the identifier for the subscription originally handed out by the Broker to the Subscriber.


    is the identifier of the publication of the published event


    is a dictionary that allows to provide additional event details in an extensible way.


    is either a list of any arguments or a key-value-pairs set

  12. final case class Goodbye(details: Dict = Goodbye.defaultDetails, reason: Uri = Goodbye.defaultReason)(implicit validator: Validator) extends Message with Product with Serializable


    Sent by a peer to close a previously opened session.

    Sent by a peer to close a previously opened session. Must be echo'ed by the receiving peer.

    [GOODBYE, Details|dict, Reason|uri]


    is a dictionary (empty by default) that allows to provide additional and optional closing information


    is the reason ("wamp.error.close_realm" by default) given as URI

  13. final case class HandleHttpConnection(conn: IncomingConnection) extends Command with Product with Serializable


    This handle command is sent by a router.TransportListener upon receiving a Http.IncomingConnection to ask a newly spawned router.ConnectionHandler to handle it

    This handle command is sent by a router.TransportListener upon receiving a Http.IncomingConnection to ask a newly spawned router.ConnectionHandler to handle it


    is the incoming connection to be handled

  14. final case class Hello(realm: Uri = "default.realm", details: Dict = Hello.defaultDetails)(implicit validator: Validator) extends Message with Product with Serializable


    Sent by a client to initiate opening of a session to a router attaching to a Realm.

    Sent by a client to initiate opening of a session to a router attaching to a Realm.

    [HELLO, Realm|uri, Details|dict]

    WAMP uses "roles & features announcement" instead of "protocol versioning" to allow

    - implementations only supporting subsets of functionality - future extensibility

    A client must announce the roles it supports via "Hello.Details.roles|dict", with a key mapping to a "Hello.Details.roles.<role>|dict" where "<role>" can be:

    - "publisher" - "subscriber" - "caller" - "callee"

  15. final case class Invocation(requestId: RequestId, registrationId: RegistrationId, details: Dict = Invocation.defaultDetails, payload: Payload = Payload.defaultPayload)(implicit validator: Validator, executionContext: ExecutionContext) extends Message with PayloadHolder with Product with Serializable


    Invocation dispatched by the dealer to the callee providing the registration the invocation was matching.

    Invocation dispatched by the dealer to the callee providing the registration the invocation was matching.

    [INVOCATION, Request|id, REGISTERED.Registration|id, Details|dict] [INVOCATION, Request|id, REGISTERED.Registration|id, Details|dict, CALL.Arguments|list] [INVOCATION, Request|id, REGISTERED.Registration|id, Details|dict, CALL.Arguments|list, CALL.ArgumentsKw|dict]


    is a random, ephemeral identifier chosen by the dealer and used to correlate the callee's response with the request.


    is the registration identifier under which the procedure was registered at the dealer.


    is a dictionary that allows to provide additional invocation request details in an extensible way.


    is either the original list of positional call arguments or dictionary of keyword arguments as provided by the caller.

  16. trait ManagedMessage extends AnyRef


    Common interface for all commands and signals the Wamp manager can deal with

  17. sealed trait Message extends ManagedMessage


    Common interface of WAMP messages exchanged by two peers during a session

  18. trait PayloadHolder extends AnyRef


    A message that contains a payload

  19. final case class Publish(requestId: RequestId, options: Dict = Publish.defaultOptions, topic: Uri, payload: Payload = Payload.defaultPayload)(implicit validator: Validator) extends Message with PayloadHolder with Product with Serializable


    Sent by a publisher to a broker to publish an event.

    Sent by a publisher to a broker to publish an event.

    [PUBLISH, Request|id, Options|dict, Topic|uri] [PUBLISH, Request|id, Options|dict, Topic|uri, Arguments|list] [PUBLISH, Request|id, Options|dict, Topic|uri, Arguments|list, ArgumentsKw|dict]


    is a random, ephemeral identifier chosen by the Publisher and used to correlate the Broker's response with the request.


    is a dictionary that allows to provide additional publication request details in an extensible way.


    is the topic published to.


    is either a list of any arguments or a key-value-pairs set

  20. final case class Published(requestId: RequestId, publicationId: PublicationId)(implicit validator: Validator) extends Message with Product with Serializable


    Acknowledge sent by a Broker to a Publisher for acknowledged Publications.

    Acknowledge sent by a Broker to a Publisher for acknowledged Publications.

    [PUBLISHED, PUBLISH.Request|id, Publication|id]

  21. final case class Register(requestId: RequestId, options: Dict = Register.defaultOptions, procedure: Uri)(implicit validator: Validator) extends Message with Product with Serializable


    Register request sent by a callee to a dealer to register a procedure endpoint

    Register request sent by a callee to a dealer to register a procedure endpoint

    [REGISTER, Request|id, Options|dict, Procedure|uri]


    is a random, ephemeral identifier chosen by the Callee and used to correlate the Dealer's response with the request


    is a dictionary that allows to provide additional registration request details in a extensible way


    is the procedure the Callee wants to register

  22. final case class Registered(requestId: RequestId, registrationId: RegistrationId)(implicit validator: Validator) extends Message with Product with Serializable


    Acknowledge sent by a dealer to a callee to acknowledge a registration

    Acknowledge sent by a dealer to a callee to acknowledge a registration

    [REGISTERED, REGISTER.Request|id, Registration|id]


    is the identifier from the original register request


    is an identifier chosen by the dealer for the registration

  23. final case class Result(requestId: RequestId, details: Dict = Result.defaultDetails, payload: Payload = Payload.defaultPayload)(implicit validator: Validator, ec: ExecutionContext) extends Message with PayloadHolder with Product with Serializable


    Result of a call as returned by dealer to caller

    Result of a call as returned by dealer to caller

    [RESULT, CALL.Request|id, Details|dict] [RESULT, CALL.Request|id, Details|dict, Arguments|list] [RESULT, CALL.Request|id, Details|dict, Arguments|list, ArgumentsKw|dict]


    is the identifiers from the original call request


    is a dictionary that allows to provide additional details in an extensible way


    is either a list of positional result elements or dictionary of keyword result elements

  24. trait Signal extends ManagedMessage


    Common interface for all signals generated by this extension

  25. final case class Subscribe(requestId: RequestId, options: Dict = Subscribe.defaultOptions, topic: Uri)(implicit validator: Validator) extends Message with Product with Serializable


    Subscribe request sent by a Subscriber to a Broker to subscribe to a Topic.

    Subscribe request sent by a Subscriber to a Broker to subscribe to a Topic.

    [SUBSCRIBE, Request|id, Options|dict, Topic|uri]


    is a random, ephemeral identifier chosen by the Subscriber and used to correlate the Broker's response with the request


    is a dictionary that allows to provide additional subscription request details in a extensible way


    is the topic the Subscribe wants to subscribe to

  26. final case class Subscribed(requestId: RequestId, subscriptionId: SubscriptionId)(implicit validator: Validator) extends Message with Product with Serializable


    Acknowledge sent by a Broker to a Subscriber to acknowledge a subscription.

    Acknowledge sent by a Broker to a Subscriber to acknowledge a subscription.

    [SUBSCRIBED, SUBSCRIBE.Request|id, Subscription|id]


    is the identifier from the original Subscribe request


    is an identifier chosen by the Broker for the subscription

  27. final case class Unregister(requestId: RequestId, registrationId: RegistrationId)(implicit validator: Validator) extends Message with Product with Serializable


    Unregister request sent by a callee to a dealer to unregister a procedure endpoint.

    Unregister request sent by a callee to a dealer to unregister a procedure endpoint.

    [UNREGISTER, Request|id, REGISTERED.Registration|id]


    is a random, ephemeral identifier chosen by the callee and used to correlate the dealer's response with the request.


    is the identifier for the registration to revoke, originally handed out by the dealer to the callee.

  28. final case class Unregistered(requestId: RequestId)(implicit validator: Validator) extends Message with Product with Serializable


    Acknowledge sent by a dealer to a callee to acknowledge unregistration.

    Acknowledge sent by a dealer to a callee to acknowledge unregistration.



    is the identifier from the original Subscribed request

  29. final case class Unsubscribe(requestId: RequestId, subscriptionId: SubscriptionId)(implicit validator: Validator) extends Message with Product with Serializable


    Unsubscribe request sent by a Subscriber to a Broker to unsubscribe from a Subscription.

    Unsubscribe request sent by a Subscriber to a Broker to unsubscribe from a Subscription. [UNSUBSCRIBE, Request|id, SUBSCRIBED.Subscription|id]


    is a random, ephemeral identifier chosen by the Unsubscribe and used to correlate the Broker's response with the request


    is the identifier for the subscription to unsubscribe from, originally handed out by the Broker to the Subscriber

  30. final case class Unsubscribed(requestId: RequestId)(implicit validator: Validator) extends Message with Product with Serializable


    Acknowledge sent by a Broker to a Subscriber to acknowledge unsubscription.

    Acknowledge sent by a Broker to a Subscriber to acknowledge unsubscription.



    is the identifier from the original Subscribed request

  31. final case class Welcome(sessionId: SessionId, details: Dict = Welcome.defaultDetails)(implicit validator: Validator) extends Message with Product with Serializable


    Sent by a router to accept a client and let it know the session is now open

    Sent by a router to accept a client and let it know the session is now open

    [WELCOME, Session|id, Details|dict]


    is the session identifier


    is the session details

  32. final case class Yield(requestId: RequestId, options: Dict = Yield.defaultOptions, payload: Payload = Payload.defaultPayload)(implicit validator: Validator) extends Message with PayloadHolder with Product with Serializable


    Actual yield from an endpoint sent by a callee to dealer

    Actual yield from an endpoint sent by a callee to dealer

    [YIELD, INVOCATION.Request|id, Options|dict] [YIELD, INVOCATION.Request|id, Options|dict, Arguments|list] [YIELD, INVOCATION.Request|id, Options|dict, Arguments|list, ArgumentsKw|dict]


    is the identifiers from the original invocation request


    is a dictionary that allows to provide additional options in an extensible way


    is either a list of positional result elements or dictionary of keyword result elements

Value Members

  1. object Abort extends Serializable

  2. object Call extends Serializable

  3. object Disconnect extends Command with Product with Serializable


    This disconnect command is sent by client applications with the intent to connect from a router.

    This disconnect command is sent by client applications with the intent to connect from a router.

    It is sent to the client.TransportHandler actor whose reference was obtained upon receiving the Connected signal.

  4. object Disconnected extends Disconnected with Product with Serializable

  5. object Error extends Serializable

  6. object Event extends Serializable

  7. object Goodbye extends Serializable

  8. object Hello extends Serializable

  9. object Invocation extends Serializable

  10. object Publish extends Serializable

  11. object Published extends Serializable

  12. object Register extends Serializable

  13. object Registered extends Serializable

  14. object Result extends Serializable

  15. object Subscribe extends Serializable

  16. object Subscribed extends Serializable

  17. object Unbind extends Product with Serializable


    This unbind command is sent by routing applications with the intent to unbound from a transport.

    This unbind command is sent by routing applications with the intent to unbound from a transport.

    It is sent to router.TransportListener actor whose reference was obtained upon receiving the Bound signal

  18. object Unregister extends Serializable

  19. object Unregistered extends Serializable

  20. object Unsubscribe extends Serializable

  21. object Unsubscribed extends Serializable

  22. object Welcome extends Serializable

  23. object Yield extends Serializable

