

package activerecord

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Type Members

  1. trait ActiveModel extends ProductModel with FormSerializer with JsonSerializer with ValidationSupport

  2. trait ActiveModelCompanion[T <: ActiveModel] extends ProductModelCompanion[T] with FormSupport[T] with JsonSupport[T]

  3. abstract class ActiveRecord extends ActiveRecordBase[Long] with activerecord.ActiveRecord.HabtmAssociationSupport

    Base class of ActiveRecord objects.

    Base class of ActiveRecord objects.

    This class provides object-relational mapping and CRUD logic and callback hooks.

  4. trait ActiveRecordBase[T] extends CRUDable with ActiveModel with activerecord.ActiveRecord.AssociationSupport

  5. trait ActiveRecordBaseCompanion[K, T <: ActiveRecordBase[K]] extends ActiveModelCompanion[T] with CompanionConversion[T]

  6. trait ActiveRecordCompanion[T <: ActiveRecord] extends ActiveRecordBaseCompanion[Long, T]

    Base class of ActiveRecord companion objects.

    Base class of ActiveRecord companion objects.

    This class provides database table mapping and query logic.

  7. trait ActiveRecordConfig extends AnyRef

  8. class ActiveRecordException extends RuntimeException

  9. case class ActiveRecordSession(c: () ⇒ Connection, a: DatabaseAdapter, schema: ActiveRecordTables) extends LazySession with Product with Serializable

  10. trait ActiveRecordTables extends activerecord.dsl.Schema

    Base class of database schema.

  11. trait Datestamps extends CRUDable

  12. class DefaultConfig extends ActiveRecordConfig

  13. case class RecordInvalidException(msg: String) extends ActiveRecordException with Product with Serializable

  14. case class RecordNotFoundException(msg: String) extends ActiveRecordException with Product with Serializable

  15. case class SchemaSettingException(msg: String) extends ActiveRecordException with Product with Serializable

  16. class SessionManager extends SessionFactory

  17. case class StaleObjectException(msg: String) extends ActiveRecordException with Product with Serializable

  18. trait Timestamps extends CRUDable

Value Members

  1. object ActiveRecord extends Relations with Associations

  2. object ActiveRecordException extends Serializable

  3. object ActiveRecordTables

  4. object Config

  5. package annotations

  6. object dsl extends PrimitiveTypeMode with Annotations with DSL with Types with JsonImplicits

  7. package experimental

  8. package i18n

  9. package inner

  10. package io

  11. package reflections

  12. package squeryl

  13. package validations

  14. package views
