@DefaultQualifier(value=org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull.class,locations=FIELD) @DefaultQualifier(value=org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull.class,locations=PARAMETER) @DefaultQualifier(value=org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull.class,locations=RETURN)

Package com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache

This package contains in-memory caching functionality. All cache variants are configured and created by using the Caffeine builder.

A Cache provides similar characteristics as ConcurrentHashMap with additional support for policies to bound the map by. When built with a CacheLoader, the LoadingCache variant allows the cache to populate itself on miss and offers refresh capabilities.

A AsyncCache is similar to a Cache except that a cache entry holds a CompletableFuture of the value. This entry will be automatically removed if the future fails, resolves to null, or based on an eviction policy. When built with a AsyncCacheLoader, the AsyncLoadingCache variant allows the cache to populate itself on miss and offers refresh capabilities.

Additional functionality such as bounding by the entry's size, removal notifications, statistics, and eviction policies are described in the Caffeine builder.