
package prickle

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AcyclicPConfig[P] extends PConfig[P]

  2. case class CompositePickler[A <: AnyRef](picklers: Map[String, Pickler[_]] = Map.empty) extends Pickler[A] with Product with Serializable

    A CompositePickler[A] is used to pickle closed class hierarchies under a supertype A, where the subclasses' precise static types are lost.

    A CompositePickler[A] is used to pickle closed class hierarchies under a supertype A, where the subclasses' precise static types are lost.

    Picklers for each concrete subclass B must be registered with the composite using the concreteType[B] method.

    CompositePicklers use a more complex serialization format than regular picklers, storing the subclass name under key CompositePickler.ClassKey and the pickle body under CompositePickler.ValueKey.

  3. case class CompositeUnpickler[A <: AnyRef](unpicklers: Map[String, Unpickler[_]] = Map.empty) extends Unpickler[A] with Product with Serializable

    A CompositeUnpickler[A] is used to unpickle closed class hierarchies under a supertype A, where the subclasses' precise static types are lost.

    A CompositeUnpickler[A] is used to unpickle closed class hierarchies under a supertype A, where the subclasses' precise static types are lost.

    Unpicklers for each concrete subclass B must be registered with the composite using the concreteType[B] method.

  4. trait JsBuilder extends PBuilder[JsValue]

  5. case class JsConfig(prefix: String = "#", isCyclesSupported: Boolean = true) extends PConfig[JsValue] with JsBuilder with JsReader with Product with Serializable

  6. trait JsReader extends PReader[JsValue]

  7. trait MaterializePicklerFallback extends AnyRef

  8. trait MaterializeUnpicklerFallback extends AnyRef

  9. trait PBuilder[P] extends AnyRef

  10. trait PConfig[P] extends PReader[P] with PBuilder[P]

  11. trait PReader[P] extends AnyRef

  12. case class PickleState(refs: Map[Any, String] = mutable.Map.empty, seq: Int = 0) extends Product with Serializable

  13. trait Pickler[A] extends AnyRef

    You should not need to implement this for the supported use cases: - Primitives and Strings - Case classes and case objects - Maps, Sets and Seqs - Class-hierarchies supported via composite picklers

  14. case class PicklerPair[A <: AnyRef](pickler: CompositePickler[A] = new CompositePickler[A](), unpickler: CompositeUnpickler[A] = new CompositeUnpickler[A]()) extends Product with Serializable

    Helper for registration of Pickler[B]/Unpickler[B] pairs via withSubtype[B]

  15. case class UnpickledCurry[A](u: Unpickler[A]) extends Product with Serializable

  16. trait Unpickler[A] extends AnyRef

    You should not need to implement this for the supported use cases: - Primitives and Strings - Case classes and case objects - Maps, Sets and Seqs - Class-hierarchies supported via composite picklers

Value Members

  1. object CompositePickler extends Serializable

  2. object PConfig

  3. object Pickle

    Use this object to invoke Pickling from user code

  4. object Pickler extends MaterializePicklerFallback

    Do not import this companion object into scope in user code.

  5. object PicklerMaterializersImpl

  6. object Unpickle

    Use this object to invoke Unpickling from user code

  7. object Unpickler extends MaterializeUnpicklerFallback

    Do not import this companion object into scope in user code.
