

package commands

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class CountAlignments extends BDGSparkCommand[CountAlignmentsArgs] with Logging

    Count alignments ADAM command.

  2. class CountAlignmentsArgs extends Args4jBase with ParquetArgs

  3. class CountAlignmentsPerRead extends BDGSparkCommand[CountAlignmentsPerReadArgs] with Logging

    Count alignments per read ADAM command.

  4. class CountAlignmentsPerReadArgs extends Args4jBase with ParquetArgs

  5. final class JavaADAMCommands extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object ADAMCommandsGuiceMain

    Add external commands to ADAM command line interface via Guice injection.

  2. object ADAMCommandsMain

    Add external commands to ADAM command line interface.

  3. object CountAlignments extends BDGCommandCompanion

  4. object CountAlignmentsPerRead extends BDGCommandCompanion
