A B C D E F G H I J M O P Q R S T U V Λ 
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address - Variable in class vertxval.VerticleRef
address where a verticle is listening on
alternative(Val<O>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.IfElse
And - Class in vertxval.exp
append(Val<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.JsArrayVal
append(Val<? extends O>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.SeqVal
appendAll(JsArrayVal) - Method in class vertxval.exp.JsArrayVal
ask() - Method in class vertxval.VerticleRef
Method to establish a conversation with this verticle: a message is sent and then a message is received.
ask(DeliveryOptions) - Method in class vertxval.VerticleRef
Method to establish a conversation with this verticle: a message is sent and then a message is received.


BAD_MESSAGE_CODE - Static variable in exception vertxval.VertxValException
BODY_LENS - Static variable in class vertxval.httpclient.Req
BODY_LENS - Static variable in class vertxval.httpclient.Resp


Case<I,​O> - Class in vertxval.exp
Case(Val<I>) - Constructor for class vertxval.exp.Case
CODE_LENS - Static variable in class vertxval.httpclient.Resp
Cond<O> - Class in vertxval.exp
Cond(List<Val<Boolean>>, List<Val<O>>) - Constructor for class vertxval.exp.Cond
connect - Variable in class vertxval.httpclient.HttpClientModule
represents a CONNECT request.
CONNECT_TIMEOUT_CODE - Static variable in exception vertxval.VertxValException
ConnectMessage - Class in vertxval.httpclient
ConnectMessage() - Constructor for class vertxval.httpclient.ConnectMessage
Cons<O> - Class in vertxval.exp
consequence(Val<O>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.IfElse
COOKIES_LENS - Static variable in class vertxval.httpclient.Resp
cookies2JsArray(List<String>) - Static method in class vertxval.httpclient.Resp


define() - Method in class vertxval.httpclient.HttpClientModule
define() - Method in class vertxval.VertxModule
override this method to initialize the instance fields of this class that represent the functions exposed by this module.
defineRequests() - Method in class vertxval.httpclient.HttpClientModule
method to initialize from the deployed verticles in HttpClientModule.deployRequests() the functions that will be exposed by this module.
delay(int, TimeUnit) - Method in class vertxval.Deployer
delete - Variable in class vertxval.httpclient.HttpClientModule
represents a DELETE request.
DeleteMessage - Class in vertxval.httpclient
DeleteMessage() - Constructor for class vertxval.httpclient.DeleteMessage
deploy() - Method in class vertxval.httpclient.HttpClientModule
deploy() - Method in class vertxval.VertxModule
override this method and deploy the Verticles you want to be exposed by your module.
deploy(String, λ<I, O>) - Method in class vertxval.Deployer
deploy(String, λ<I, O>, DeploymentOptions) - Method in class vertxval.Deployer
deployConsumer(String, Consumer<Message<I>>) - Method in class vertxval.Deployer
deployConsumer(String, Consumer<Message<I>>) - Method in class vertxval.VertxModule
deployConsumer(String, Consumer<Message<I>>, DeploymentOptions) - Method in class vertxval.Deployer
deployConsumer(String, Consumer<Message<I>>, DeploymentOptions) - Method in class vertxval.VertxModule
deployer - Variable in class vertxval.VertxModule
Factory to deploy or spawn verticles
Deployer - Class in vertxval
Wrapper around the vertx instance.
Deployer(Vertx) - Constructor for class vertxval.Deployer
Creates a factory to deploy and spawn verticles
Deployer(Vertx, DeploymentOptions) - Constructor for class vertxval.Deployer
Creates a factory to deploy and spawn verticles
deployFn(String, Function<I, O>) - Method in class vertxval.Deployer
deployFn(String, Function<I, O>) - Method in class vertxval.VertxModule
deployFn(String, Function<I, O>, DeploymentOptions) - Method in class vertxval.Deployer
deployFn(String, Function<I, O>, DeploymentOptions) - Method in class vertxval.VertxModule
deploymentOptions - Variable in class vertxval.VertxModule
deployRequests() - Method in class vertxval.httpclient.HttpClientModule
method to deploy new verticles.
deployTask(Runnable) - Method in class vertxval.Deployer
deployTask(Runnable) - Method in class vertxval.VertxModule
deployTask(Runnable, DeploymentOptions) - Method in class vertxval.Deployer
deployTask(Runnable, DeploymentOptions) - Method in class vertxval.VertxModule
deployVerticle(AbstractVerticle) - Method in class vertxval.Deployer
deployVerticle(AbstractVerticle) - Method in class vertxval.VertxModule
deployVerticle(AbstractVerticle, DeploymentOptions) - Method in class vertxval.Deployer
deployλ(String, λ<I, O>) - Method in class vertxval.VertxModule
deployλ(String, λ<I, O>, DeploymentOptions) - Method in class vertxval.VertxModule


empty() - Static method in class vertxval.exp.JsArrayVal
empty() - Static method in class vertxval.exp.SeqVal
EMPTY - Static variable in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
EXCEPTION_DEPLOYING_MODULE_CODE - Static variable in exception vertxval.VertxValException
EXCEPTION_DEPLOYING_VERTICLE_CODE - Static variable in exception vertxval.VertxValException
EXCEPTION_EXECUTING_VERTICLE_CODE - Static variable in exception vertxval.VertxValException
EXCEPTION_REGISTERING_CODECS_CODE - Static variable in exception vertxval.VertxValException
EXCEPTION_STOPPING_VERTICLE_CODE - Static variable in exception vertxval.VertxValException


failure(Throwable) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.Cons
fallbackTo(Function<Throwable, Val<O>>) - Method in interface vertxval.exp.Val
FALSE - Static variable in class vertxval.exp.Cons
flatMap(Function<O, Val<Q>>) - Method in interface vertxval.exp.Val
Creates a new value by applying a function to the successful result of this value, and returns the result of the function as the new value.
flatMap(Function<O, Val<Q>>, Function<Throwable, Val<Q>>) - Method in interface vertxval.exp.Val
FOLLOW_REDIRECT_OPT - Static variable in class vertxval.httpclient.Req


get - Variable in class vertxval.httpclient.HttpClientModule
represents a GET request.
get() - Method in class vertxval.exp.And
get() - Method in class vertxval.exp.Case
get() - Method in class vertxval.exp.Cond
get() - Method in class vertxval.exp.Cons
get() - Method in class vertxval.exp.IfElse
get() - Method in class vertxval.exp.JsArrayVal
it triggers the execution of all the completable futures, combining the results into a JsArray
get() - Method in class vertxval.exp.JsObjVal
it triggers the execution of all the completable futures, combining the results into a JsObj
get() - Method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
get() - Method in class vertxval.exp.Or
get() - Method in class vertxval.exp.Pair
get() - Method in class vertxval.exp.Quadruple
get() - Method in class vertxval.exp.Quintuple
get() - Method in class vertxval.exp.SeqVal
get() - Method in class vertxval.exp.Triple
GET_BAD_MESSAGE_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception vertxval.VertxValException
GET_EXCEPTION_DEPLOYING_MODULE - Static variable in exception vertxval.VertxValException
GET_EXCEPTION_DEPLOYING_VERTICLE - Static variable in exception vertxval.VertxValException
GET_EXCEPTION_EXECUTING_VERTICLE - Static variable in exception vertxval.VertxValException
GET_EXCEPTION_REGISTERING_CODECS - Static variable in exception vertxval.VertxValException
GET_EXCEPTION_STOPPING_VERTICLE - Static variable in exception vertxval.VertxValException
GET_HTTP_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception vertxval.VertxValException
GET_RESPONSE_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception vertxval.VertxValException
getDeployedVerticle(String) - Method in class vertxval.VertxModule
returns the VerticleRef wrapper around a deployed Verticle
GetMessage - Class in vertxval.httpclient
GetMessage() - Constructor for class vertxval.httpclient.GetMessage


Handlers - Class in vertxval.functions
head - Variable in class vertxval.httpclient.HttpClientModule
represents a HEAD request.
head() - Method in class vertxval.exp.SeqVal
HEADERS_OPT - Static variable in class vertxval.httpclient.Req
HEADERS_OPT - Static variable in class vertxval.httpclient.Resp
headers2JsObj(MultiMap) - Static method in class vertxval.httpclient.Resp
HeadMessage - Class in vertxval.httpclient
HeadMessage() - Constructor for class vertxval.httpclient.HeadMessage
HOST_OPT - Static variable in class vertxval.httpclient.Req
HTTP_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_CODE - Static variable in exception vertxval.VertxValException
HttpClientModule - Class in vertxval.httpclient
Module that exposes a set of functions to send different requests to a server.
HttpClientModule(HttpClientOptions) - Constructor for class vertxval.httpclient.HttpClientModule


ids - Variable in class vertxval.VerticleRef
the identifiers assigned to the different instances of this verticle after being deployed.
IfElse<O> - Class in vertxval.exp
isEmpty() - Method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
isEmpty() - Method in class vertxval.exp.SeqVal


JsArrayVal - Class in vertxval.exp
Represents a supplier of a completable future which result is a json array.
JsObjVal - Class in vertxval.exp
Represents a supplier of a vertx future which result is a json object.


map(Function<List<O>, P>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.SeqVal
map(Function<Map<String, O>, P>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
map(Function<Tuple2<A, B>, P>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Pair
map(Function<Tuple3<A, B, C>, P>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Triple
map(Function<Tuple4<A, B, C, D>, P>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Quadruple
map(Function<Tuple5<A, B, C, D, E>, P>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Quintuple
map(Function<Boolean, P>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.And
map(Function<Boolean, P>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Or
map(Function<JsArray, P>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.JsArrayVal
map(Function<JsObj, P>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.JsObjVal
map(Function<O, P>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Case
map(Function<O, P>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Cond
map(Function<O, P>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Cons
map(Function<O, P>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.IfElse
map(Function<O, P>) - Method in interface vertxval.exp.Val
Creates a new value by applying a function to the successful result of this value.
mapBody - Static variable in class vertxval.httpclient.Resp
mapBody2Json - Static variable in class vertxval.httpclient.Resp
MapVal<O> - Class in vertxval.exp
Represents a supplier of a vertx future which result is a json object.
MESSAGE_OPT - Static variable in class vertxval.httpclient.Resp


of(I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Case
of(I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Case
of(I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Case
of(I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Case
of(I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Case
of(String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.JsObjVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of one mapping
of(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.JsObjVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of one mapping
of(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.JsObjVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of three mappings
of(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.JsObjVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of four mappings
of(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.JsObjVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of five mappings
of(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.JsObjVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of six mappings
of(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.JsObjVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of seven mappings
of(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.JsObjVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of eight mappings
of(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.JsObjVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of nine mappings
of(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.JsObjVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of ten mappings
of(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.JsObjVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of eleven mappings
of(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.JsObjVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of twelve mappings
of(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.JsObjVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of thirteen mappings
of(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.JsObjVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of fourteen mappings
of(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.JsObjVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of fifteen mappings
of(String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of one mapping
of(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of one mapping
of(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
static factory method to create a JsObjexpure of three mappings
of(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of four mappings
of(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of five mappings
of(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of six mappings
of(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of seven mappings
of(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of eight mappings
of(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of nine mappings
of(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of ten mappings
of(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of eleven mappings
of(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of twelve mappings
of(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of thirteen mappings
of(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of fourteen mappings
of(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of fifteen mappings
of(Supplier<Future<O>>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.Cons
of(List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Case
of(List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Case
of(List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Case
of(List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Case
of(List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Case
of(Val<? extends JsValue>, Val<? extends JsValue>...) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.JsArrayVal
returns a JsArrayFuture from the given head and the tail
of(Val<A>, Val<B>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.Pair
of(Val<A>, Val<B>, Val<C>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.Triple
of(Val<A>, Val<B>, Val<C>, Val<D>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.Quadruple
of(Val<A>, Val<B>, Val<C>, Val<D>, Val<E>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.Quintuple
of(Val<Boolean>, Val<Boolean>...) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.And
of(Val<Boolean>, Val<Boolean>...) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.Or
of(Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.Cond
of(Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.Cond
of(Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.Cond
of(Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.Cond
of(Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.Cond
onComplete(Handler<AsyncResult<O>>) - Method in interface vertxval.exp.Val
Add a handler to be notified of the result.
onComplete(Consumer<O>, Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface vertxval.exp.Val
Add a handler to be notified of the result.
onSuccess(Consumer<O>) - Method in interface vertxval.exp.Val
Adds a consumer to be notified of the succeeded result of this value.
options - Variable in class vertxval.httpclient.HttpClientModule
represents a OPTIONS request.
OptionsMessage - Class in vertxval.httpclient
OptionsMessage() - Constructor for class vertxval.httpclient.OptionsMessage
Or - Class in vertxval.exp


Pair<A,​B> - Class in vertxval.exp
patch - Variable in class vertxval.httpclient.HttpClientModule
represents a PATCH request.
PatchMessage - Class in vertxval.httpclient
PatchMessage(byte[]) - Constructor for class vertxval.httpclient.PatchMessage
pipeTo(Message<?>) - Static method in class vertxval.functions.Handlers
returns a handler of an AsyncResult instance that pipe the result into a Message instance to reply to the verticle that sent that message.
pipeTo(Message<?>, Function<T, O>, Function<Throwable, ReplyException>) - Static method in class vertxval.functions.Handlers
returns a handler of an AsyncResult instance that pipe the result into a Message instance to reply to the verticle that sent that message.
PORT_OPT - Static variable in class vertxval.httpclient.Req
post - Variable in class vertxval.httpclient.HttpClientModule
represents a POST request.
PostMessage - Class in vertxval.httpclient
PostMessage(byte[]) - Constructor for class vertxval.httpclient.PostMessage
predicate(Supplier<Future<Boolean>>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.IfElse
predicate(Val<Boolean>) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.IfElse
prepend(Val<? extends O>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.SeqVal
prism - Static variable in exception vertxval.VertxValException
put - Variable in class vertxval.httpclient.HttpClientModule
represents a PUT request.
PutMessage - Class in vertxval.httpclient
PutMessage(byte[]) - Constructor for class vertxval.httpclient.PutMessage


Quadruple<A,​B,​C,​D> - Class in vertxval.exp
Quintuple<A,​B,​C,​D,​E> - Class in vertxval.exp


recover(Function<Throwable, O>) - Method in interface vertxval.exp.Val
Creates a new value that will handle any matching throwable that this value might contain.
recoverWith(Function<Throwable, Val<O>>) - Method in interface vertxval.exp.Val
Creates a new value that will handle any matching throwable that this value might contain by assigning it another value.
registerConsumer(String, Consumer<O>) - Method in class vertxval.Deployer
RegisterJsValuesCodecs - Class in vertxval.codecs
Verticle to register the codecs to be able to send json values (JsObj and JsArray) to the even bus.
RegisterJsValuesCodecs() - Constructor for class vertxval.codecs.RegisterJsValuesCodecs
registerPublisher(String) - Method in class vertxval.Deployer
Req - Class in vertxval.httpclient
reqSpec - Static variable in class vertxval.httpclient.Req
REQUEST_TIMEOUT_CODE - Static variable in exception vertxval.VertxValException
reqWithBodySpec - Static variable in class vertxval.httpclient.Req
Resp - Class in vertxval.httpclient
Resp() - Constructor for class vertxval.httpclient.Resp
retry(int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.And
retry(int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Case
retry(int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Cond
retry(int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Cons
retry(int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.IfElse
retry(int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.JsArrayVal
retry(int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.JsObjVal
retry(int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
retry(int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Or
retry(int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Pair
retry(int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Quadruple
retry(int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Quintuple
retry(int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.SeqVal
retry(int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Triple
retry(int) - Method in interface vertxval.exp.Val
returns a new value tha will retry its execution if it fails
retry(int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.And
retry(int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Case
retry(int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Cond
retry(int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Cons
retry(int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.IfElse
retry(int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.JsArrayVal
retry(int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.JsObjVal
retry(int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
retry(int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Or
retry(int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Pair
retry(int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Quadruple
retry(int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Quintuple
retry(int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.SeqVal
retry(int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Triple
retry(int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in interface vertxval.exp.Val
returns a new value tha will retry its execution after the an action.
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.And
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Case
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Cond
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Cons
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.IfElse
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.JsArrayVal
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.JsObjVal
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Or
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Pair
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Quadruple
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Quintuple
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.SeqVal
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Triple
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int) - Method in interface vertxval.exp.Val
returns a new value tha will retry its execution if it fails with an error that satisfies the given predicate.
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.And
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Case
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Cond
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Cons
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.IfElse
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.JsArrayVal
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.JsObjVal
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Or
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Pair
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Quadruple
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Quintuple
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.SeqVal
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.Triple
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int, BiFunction<Throwable, Integer, Val<Void>>) - Method in interface vertxval.exp.Val
returns a new value tha will retry its execution after an action if it fails with an error that satisfies the given predicate.


SeqVal<O> - Class in vertxval.exp
set(String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.JsObjVal
returns a new object future inserting the given future at the given key
set(String, Val<? extends O>) - Method in class vertxval.exp.MapVal
returns a new object future inserting the given future at the given key
size() - Method in class vertxval.exp.SeqVal
spawn(λ<I, O>) - Method in class vertxval.Deployer
spawn(λ<I, O>, DeploymentOptions) - Method in class vertxval.Deployer
spawnFn(Function<I, O>) - Method in class vertxval.Deployer
spawnFn(Function<I, O>, DeploymentOptions) - Method in class vertxval.Deployer
spec - Static variable in class vertxval.httpclient.Resp
SSL_OPT - Static variable in class vertxval.httpclient.Req
start(Promise<Void>) - Method in class vertxval.codecs.RegisterJsValuesCodecs
start(Promise<Void>) - Method in class vertxval.VertxModule
success(O) - Static method in class vertxval.exp.Cons


tail() - Method in class vertxval.exp.SeqVal
tell() - Method in class vertxval.VerticleRef
Method to send a message to this verticle.
tell(DeliveryOptions) - Method in class vertxval.VerticleRef
Method to send a message to this verticle.
TIMEOUT_OPT - Static variable in class vertxval.httpclient.Req
trace - Variable in class vertxval.httpclient.HttpClientModule
represents a TRACE request.
TraceMessage - Class in vertxval.httpclient
TraceMessage() - Constructor for class vertxval.httpclient.TraceMessage
Triple<A,​B,​C> - Class in vertxval.exp
TRUE - Static variable in class vertxval.exp.Cons
TYPE_LENS - Static variable in class vertxval.httpclient.Req


undeploy() - Method in class vertxval.VerticleRef
Undeploy all the instances of this verticle
UNKNOWN_HOST_CODE - Static variable in exception vertxval.VertxValException
Error that happens when the domain can't be resolved: wrong name or there is no internet connection.
UNKNOWN_HTTP_EXCEPTION_CODE - Static variable in exception vertxval.VertxValException
URI_OPT - Static variable in class vertxval.httpclient.Req


Val<O> - Interface in vertxval.exp
A Val is just an alias for a lazy Vertx future.
validate(Predicate<I>, String) - Static method in class vertxval.functions.Validators
returns a λ that validates the input against a predicate, returning the same input if the validations succeeds, or returning an error otherwise
validateJsArray(JsArraySpec) - Static method in class vertxval.functions.Validators
returns a λ that validates the input json array, returning the same input if it conforms the given spec
validateJsObj(JsObjSpec) - Static method in class vertxval.functions.Validators
returns a λ that validates the input json object, returning the same input if it conforms the given spec
Validators - Class in vertxval.functions
VerticleRef<I,​O> - Class in vertxval
It represents a reference to a Verticle, the unit of computation.
VertxModule - Class in vertxval
A module it's a Verticle that when deployed exposes a set of functions that represents other Verticles.
VertxModule() - Constructor for class vertxval.VertxModule
Creates an instance of this module.
VertxModule(DeploymentOptions) - Constructor for class vertxval.VertxModule
Creates an instance of this module
vertxval - package vertxval
vertxval.codecs - package vertxval.codecs
vertxval.exp - package vertxval.exp
vertxval.functions - package vertxval.functions
vertxval.httpclient - package vertxval.httpclient
VertxValException - Exception in vertxval


λ<I,​O> - Interface in vertxval.exp
A B C D E F G H I J M O P Q R S T U V Λ 
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