

package util

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ActorSystemBooter extends AnyRef

    Start a actor system, and will send the system adress to report back actor Example usage: main reportBackActorPath

  2. class FileServer extends Actor with Stash

    Should not use this to server too big files(more than 100MB), otherwise OOM may happen.

    Should not use this to server too big files(more than 100MB), otherwise OOM may happen.

    port: set port to 0 if you want to bind to random port

  3. class Graph[N, E] extends Serializable

    Application DAG

  4. class HadoopConfig extends UserConfig

  5. class HadoopFSLogAppender extends RollingFileAppender

  6. class ProcessLogRedirector extends ProcessLogger with Closeable with Flushable

  7. trait ReferenceEqual extends AnyRef

  8. trait TimeOutScheduler extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object ActorSystemBooter

  2. object ActorUtil

  3. object Constants

  4. object FileServer

  5. object Graph extends Serializable

  6. object GraphHelper

  7. object HadoopConfig extends Serializable

  8. object LogUtil

  9. object Util
