

package worker

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ExecutorProcessLauncher extends AnyRef

    ExecutorProcessLauncher is used to launch a process for Executor using given parameters.

    ExecutorProcessLauncher is used to launch a process for Executor using given parameters. User can implement this interface to decide the behavior of launching a process. Set "gearpump.worker.executor-process-launcher" to your implemented class name.

  2. case class ExecutorSlots(appId: Int, executorId: Int, slots: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  3. case class WorkerSummary(workerId: Int, state: String, actorPath: String, aliveFor: Long, logFile: String, executors: Array[ExecutorSlots], totalSlots: Int, availableSlots: Int, homeDirectory: String, jvmName: String, historyMetricsConfig: HistoryMetricsConfig = null) extends Product with Serializable

    Worker summary information for REST API.

Value Members

  1. object WorkerSummary extends Serializable
