

package appmaster

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AppMaster extends ApplicationMaster

  2. class ClockService extends Actor with Stash

    The clockService will maintain a global view of message timestamp in the application

  3. class HistoryMetricsService extends Actor

    Metrics service to serve history metrics data

  4. case class StreamingAppMasterDataDetail(appId: Int, appName: String = null, processors: Map[ProcessorId, ProcessorDescription], processorLevels: Map[ProcessorId, Int], dag: Graph[ProcessorId, Partitioner] = null, actorPath: String = null, clock: TimeStamp = 0, executors: List[String] = null) extends AppMasterDataDetail with Product with Serializable

  5. class TaskLocator extends AnyRef

  6. class TaskRegistration extends AnyRef

  7. trait TaskScheduler extends AnyRef

    This schedules tasks to run for new allocated resources.

  8. class TaskSchedulerImpl extends TaskScheduler

Value Members

  1. object AppMaster

  2. object ClockService

  3. object HistoryMetricsService

  4. object StreamingAppMasterDataDetail extends Serializable

  5. object TaskLocator

  6. object TaskSchedulerImpl
