
package scalacss

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  1. scalacss
  2. AnyRef
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Type Members

  1. final case class AV(attr: Attr, value: Value) extends Product with Serializable

    An Attribute-and-Value pair.

  2. final class AVs extends AnyRef

    One or more ordered attributes, each with one or more ordered values.

  3. final class AliasAttr extends Attr

  4. sealed abstract class Attr extends AnyRef

    A style attribute.

    A style attribute.

    Often this will represent a single CSS attribute, eg. "margin-left". This can also represent a high-level attribute and generate multiple CSS keys.

  5. abstract class AttrAliasesAndValueTRules extends Rules

  6. sealed abstract class AttrCmp extends AnyRef

  7. final case class ClassName(value: String) extends Product with Serializable

  8. case class ClassNameHint(value: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Text to include in generated class names.

    Text to include in generated class names.

    mutable.Register.NameGens can choose to include it in the output class names, or ignore it.

  9. trait ColorOps[Out] extends AnyRef

  10. final case class Compose(rules: Rules) extends Product with Serializable

    Style composition logic.

    Style composition logic.

    This is responsible for merges styles together, and producing warnings. It has the power to perform merges on conflicting CSS values, and selectively ignore merges.

  11. final case class Cond(pseudo: Option[Pseudo], mediaQueries: Vector[Query]) extends ChainOps[Cond] with Product with Serializable

    Condition under which CSS is applicable.

  12. type Css = Stream[CssEntry]

    A stylesheet in its entirety.

    A stylesheet in its entirety. Normally turned into a .css file or a <style> tag.

  13. case class CssEntry(mq: CssMediaQueryO, sel: CssSelector, content: NonEmptyVector[CssKV]) extends Product with Serializable

  14. final case class CssKV(key: String, value: String) extends Product with Serializable

    A CSS attribute and its corresponding value.

    A CSS attribute and its corresponding value.

    Example: CssKV("margin-bottom", "12px")

  15. type CssMediaQuery = String

    A media query in CSS.

    A media query in CSS.

    Examples: "@media screen and (device-aspect-ratio: 16/9)".

  16. type CssMediaQueryO = Option[CssMediaQuery]

  17. type CssSelector = String

    Describes the context of a number of CSS attribute-value pairs.

    Describes the context of a number of CSS attribute-value pairs.

    Examples: "div", ".debug", "h3.bottom", "a:visited".

  18. trait DefaultImports extends AnyRef

  19. trait Defaults extends IDefaults

  20. trait DevDefaults extends IDefaults

  21. trait Domain[A] extends AnyRef

  22. abstract class DslBase extends AttrAliasesAndValueTRules with TypedLiteralAliases with ColorOps[ValueT[Color]]

  23. final case class Env(platform: Platform[Option], media: Media[Option]) extends Product with Serializable

  24. trait IDefaults extends PlatformDefaults with DefaultImports

  25. final case class Length[N](n: N, u: LengthUnit) extends Product with Serializable

  26. sealed abstract class LengthUnit extends AnyRef

  27. abstract class Literal extends AnyRef

    A typed literal.

  28. final class NonEmptyVector[+A] extends AnyRef

  29. trait NonEmptyVectorImplicits0 extends AnyRef

  30. final case class Percentage[N](n: N) extends Product with Serializable

  31. trait PlatformDefaults extends AnyRef

  32. trait ProdDefaults extends IDefaults

  33. sealed abstract class Pseudo extends ChainOps[Pseudo]

    A pseudo-class is used to define a special state of an element.

  34. sealed abstract class Pseudo1 extends Pseudo

    A single Pseudo instance.

    A single Pseudo instance. Not a composite.

    (Note: Not may have a nested value but is not a composite.

  35. sealed trait PseudoType extends AnyRef

  36. final case class Ratio(x: Int, y: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  37. final class RealAttr extends Attr

  38. trait Renderer[Out] extends AnyRef

    Render Css, an internal representation of CSS, into a different format; usually real CSS text.

  39. final case class Resolution[N](n: N, u: ResolutionUnit) extends Product with Serializable

  40. sealed abstract class ResolutionUnit extends AnyRef

  41. sealed trait Style extends AnyRef

    A high-level style, that can describe a subject and its children in a variety of conditions.

    A high-level style, that can describe a subject and its children in a variety of conditions.


  42. sealed abstract class Style1 extends Style

    A single style that applied to a single subject.

  43. final case class StyleA(className: ClassName, addClassNames: Vector[ClassName], style: StyleS) extends Product with Serializable

    Applicable style.

    Applicable style.

    A style that needs no more processing and can be applied to some target.


    Additional class names that the style has requested be appended. Allows ScalaCSS styles to use classname-based CSS libraries like Bootstrap.

  44. sealed trait StyleC extends Style

    A composite style.

    A composite style. Two more or more styles that must be applied as a whole in order to be successful.

    This demands that anyone using this style:

    1. Obtain an instance of all sub-styles.

    2. Acknowledge the purpose of each sub-style (and thus not accept them in the wrong order and apply them to the wrong targets).

    Before styles can be composed, they must be annotated with a name. Do so like avatarStyle.named('avatar). Named styles can then be composed using :*:.

    val profileStyle: StyleC =
      titleStyle.named('title) :*: avatarStyle.named('avatar) :*: buttonStyle.named('btn)
  45. final class StyleF[I] extends Style1

    A function to a style.

    A function to a style. A style that depends on input provided when used.


    Input required by the style.

  46. trait StyleLookup[I] extends AnyRef

  47. trait StyleLookupLowPri extends AnyRef

  48. final case class StyleS(data: Map[Cond, AVs], unsafeExts: UnsafeExts, className: Option[ClassName], addClassNames: Vector[ClassName], warnings: Vector[Warning]) extends Style1 with Product with Serializable

    A static style.

    A static style.


    Manually specifies this style's class name. By default it is automatically generated.


    Additional class names to be appended to the resulting StyleA. Allows ScalaCSS styles to use classname-based CSS libraries like Bootstrap.

  49. trait ToAV extends AnyRef

  50. class Transform extends AnyRef

    Transforms key-values into different and/or more key-values.

    Transforms key-values into different and/or more key-values.

    Generally used to apply browser prefixes. For example, to turn border-radius: 1em/5em; into

    -moz-border-radius: 1em/5em;
    -webkit-border-radius: 1em/5em;
    border-radius: 1em/5em;
  51. trait TypedLiteralAliases extends AnyRef

    Gets merged into Dsl.

  52. type Value = String

    A CSS value, like "none", "solid 3px black".

  53. final case class ValueT[T <: ValueClass](value: Value) extends Product with Serializable

    A CSS value that is valid for some context T.

  54. final case class Warning(cond: Cond, msg: WarningMsg) extends Product with Serializable

  55. type WarningMsg = String

Value Members

  1. object AVs

  2. object Attr

  3. object AttrCmp

  4. object Attrs

  5. object CanIUse

  6. object CanIUse2

    Derivations of the raw data in CanIUse.

  7. object Color extends ColorOps[ValueT[Color]]

  8. object Compose extends Serializable

  9. object Cond extends Serializable

  10. object Css

  11. object CssEntry extends Serializable

  12. object CssKV extends Serializable

  13. object Defaults extends Defaults

    Default config.

    Default config.

    Use the scalac -Xelide-below flag to switch from development- to production-mode.

  14. object DevDefaults extends DevDefaults

    Development-mode defaults.

    Development-mode defaults. Pretty names, pretty CSS, warnings.

  15. object Domain

  16. object Dsl extends DslBase

  17. object DslBase

  18. object DslMacros

  19. object Env extends Serializable

  20. object LengthUnit

  21. object Literal extends TypedLiteralAliases

    Most literals here are just strings.

    Most literals here are just strings. Type-safety is usually provided by the TypedAttr methods.

    In some cases literals need to be typed to be part of a ValueClass so that they can be used as typed args. Eg. auto in margin(12 px, auto).

    For that reason exists the dichotomy between Literal with its untyped Values, and Literal.Typed with its subclassed Literals.

  22. object Macros

  23. object Media

  24. object NonEmptyVector extends NonEmptyVectorImplicits0

  25. object ProdDefaults extends ProdDefaults

    Production-mode defaults.

    Production-mode defaults. Minimised CSS, no warnings.

  26. object Pseudo

  27. object PseudoClass extends PseudoType with Product with Serializable

  28. object PseudoElement extends PseudoType with Product with Serializable

  29. object PseudoType

  30. object Ratio extends Serializable

  31. object ResolutionUnit

  32. object StringRenderer

  33. object Style

  34. object StyleC

  35. object StyleF

  36. object StyleLookup extends StyleLookupLowPri

  37. object StyleS extends Serializable

  38. object Transform

  39. object ValueT extends Serializable

  40. implicit def classNameEquality: Equal[ClassName]

  41. implicit val cssEquality: Equal[Css]

  42. package ext

  43. package js

  44. package mutable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
