An unregistered dynamic route.
An unregistered dynamic route. Install via register()
An unregistered static route.
An unregistered static route. Install via register()
The catch-all response to unmatched routes.
The catch-all response to unmatched routes.
Generates paths for a dynamic route, which can then be passed to japgolly.scalajs.react.extra.router.Router to be turned into clickable links.
Generates paths for a dynamic route, which can then be passed to japgolly.scalajs.react.extra.router.Router to be turned into clickable links.
The value of the dynamic portion of the route. Example: PersonId(123)
Example: "person/123"
Customise all renderable routes.
Customise all renderable routes.
case matchNumber(num) => num.toLong
case matchNumber(num) => num.toLong
Perform an action when a new route is activated.
Perform an action when a new route is activated.
Perform an action when a new route is activated.
Perform an action when a new route is activated.
Parser for a dynamic path.
Parser for a dynamic path. Example: "person/123"
The value of the dynamic portion of the path. Example: "123"
or PersonId(123)
Registers a handle that uses a replace-state redirect to remove trailing slashes from unmatched route urls.
Registers a handle that uses a replace-state redirect to remove trailing slashes from unmatched route urls.
DSL for specifying a set of routing rules.