Class ReflectionTypeSolver

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ReflectionTypeSolver
    extends ClassLoaderTypeSolver
    Uses reflection to resolve types. Classes on the classpath used to run your application will be found. No source code is available for the resolved types.
    Federico Tomassetti
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReflectionTypeSolver

        public ReflectionTypeSolver​(boolean jreOnly)
        jreOnly - if true, will only resolve types from the java or javax packages. This is an easy way to say "I need a JRE to solve classes, and the one that is currently running is fine." If false, will resolve any kind of type.
      • ReflectionTypeSolver

        public ReflectionTypeSolver()
        Resolves classes from the JRE that is currently running. (It calls the other constructor with "true".)