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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


add(int) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.util.ArrayBitSet
Add element to the bitset.
add(TItem) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.bruteforce.BruteForceIndex
Add a new item to the index.
add(TItem) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Add a new item to the index.
add(TItem) - Method in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.Index
Add a new item to the index.
addAll(Collection<TItem>) - Method in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.Index
Add multiple items to the index
addAll(Collection<TItem>, int, ProgressListener, int) - Method in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.Index
Add multiple items to the index.
addAll(Collection<TItem>, ProgressListener) - Method in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.Index
Add multiple items to the index.
ArrayBitSet - Class in com.github.jelmerk.knn.util
ArrayBitSet(int) - Constructor for class com.github.jelmerk.knn.util.ArrayBitSet
Initializes a new instance of the ArrayBitSet class.
ArrayBitSet(ArrayBitSet, int) - Constructor for class com.github.jelmerk.knn.util.ArrayBitSet
Initializes a new instance of the ArrayBitSet class.
asExactIndex() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Creates a read only view on top of this index that uses pairwise comparision when doing distance search.


borrowObject() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.util.GenericObjectPool
Borrows an object from the pool.
BruteForceIndex<TId,TVector,TItem extends Item<TId,TVector>,TDistance> - Class in com.github.jelmerk.knn.bruteforce
Implementation of Index that does pairwise comparison and as such can be used as a baseline for measuring approximate nearest neighbors index precision.
BruteForceIndex.Builder<TVector,TDistance> - Class in com.github.jelmerk.knn.bruteforce
Builder for initializing an BruteForceIndex instance.
build() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.bruteforce.BruteForceIndex.Builder
Builds the BruteForceIndex instance.
build() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex.Builder
Build the index that uses java object serializers to store the items when reading and writing the index.
build() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex.RefinedBuilder
Build the index.


ClassLoaderObjectInputStream - Class in com.github.jelmerk.knn.util
A special ObjectInputStream that loads a class based on a specified ClassLoader rather than the system default.
ClassLoaderObjectInputStream(ClassLoader, InputStream) - Constructor for class com.github.jelmerk.knn.util.ClassLoaderObjectInputStream
Constructs a new ClassLoaderObjectInputStream.
clear() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.util.ArrayBitSet
Clears the bitset.
com.github.jelmerk.knn - package com.github.jelmerk.knn
com.github.jelmerk.knn.bruteforce - package com.github.jelmerk.knn.bruteforce
com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw - package com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw
com.github.jelmerk.knn.util - package com.github.jelmerk.knn.util
compareTo(SearchResult<TItem, TDistance>) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.SearchResult
contains(int) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.util.ArrayBitSet
Returns true if this set contains the specified element
contains(TId) - Method in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.Index
Check if an item is contained in this index
create(TItem, TDistance) - Static method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.SearchResult
Convenience method for creating search results who's distances are Comparable.


DEFAULT_EF - Static variable in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex.BuilderBase
DEFAULT_EF_CONSTRUCTION - Static variable in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex.BuilderBase
DEFAULT_M - Static variable in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex.BuilderBase
DEFAULT_PROGRESS_UPDATE_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.Index
By default after indexing this many items progress will be reported to registered progress listeners.
DEFAULT_REMOVE_ENABLED - Static variable in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex.BuilderBase
dimensions() - Method in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.Item
Returns the dimensionality of the vector.
distance() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.SearchResult
Returns the distance from the search query.
distance(TVector, TVector) - Method in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.DistanceFunction
Gets the distance between 2 items.
DistanceFunction<TVector,TDistance> - Interface in com.github.jelmerk.knn
Calculates distance between 2 vectors.
DistanceFunctions - Class in com.github.jelmerk.knn
Collection of distance functions.
DOUBLE_BRAY_CURTIS_DISTANCE - Static variable in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.DistanceFunctions
Calculates the bray curtis distance.
DOUBLE_CANBERRA_DISTANCE - Static variable in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.DistanceFunctions
Calculates the canberra distance.
DOUBLE_CORRELATION_DISTANCE - Static variable in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.DistanceFunctions
Calculates the correlation distance.
DOUBLE_COSINE_DISTANCE - Static variable in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.DistanceFunctions
Calculates the cosine distance.
DOUBLE_EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE - Static variable in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.DistanceFunctions
Calculates the euclidean distance.
DOUBLE_INNER_PRODUCT - Static variable in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.DistanceFunctions
Calculates the inner product.
DOUBLE_MANHATTAN_DISTANCE - Static variable in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.DistanceFunctions
Calculates the manhattan distance.
DOUBLE_SPARSE_VECTOR_INNER_PRODUCT - Static variable in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.DistanceFunctions
Calculates the inner product.


equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.SearchResult


findNearest(TVector, int) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.bruteforce.BruteForceIndex
Find the items closest to the passed in vector.
findNearest(TVector, int) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Find the items closest to the passed in vector.
findNearest(TVector, int) - Method in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.Index
Find the items closest to the passed in vector.
findNeighbors(TId, int) - Method in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.Index
Find the items closest to the item identified by the passed in id.
FLOAT_BRAY_CURTIS_DISTANCE - Static variable in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.DistanceFunctions
Calculates the bray curtis distance.
FLOAT_CANBERRA_DISTANCE - Static variable in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.DistanceFunctions
Calculates the canberra distance.
FLOAT_CORRELATION_DISTANCE - Static variable in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.DistanceFunctions
Calculates the correlation distance.
FLOAT_COSINE_DISTANCE - Static variable in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.DistanceFunctions
Calculates the cosine distance.
FLOAT_EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE - Static variable in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.DistanceFunctions
Calculates the euclidean distance.
FLOAT_INNER_PRODUCT - Static variable in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.DistanceFunctions
Calculates the inner product distance.
FLOAT_MANHATTAN_DISTANCE - Static variable in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.DistanceFunctions
Calculates the manhattan distance.
FLOAT_SPARSE_VECTOR_INNER_PRODUCT - Static variable in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.DistanceFunctions
Calculates the inner product.


GenericObjectPool<T> - Class in com.github.jelmerk.knn.util
Generic object pool.
GenericObjectPool(Supplier<T>, int) - Constructor for class com.github.jelmerk.knn.util.GenericObjectPool
Constructs a new pool
get(TId) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.bruteforce.BruteForceIndex
Returns an item by its identifier.
get(TId) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Returns an item by its identifier.
get(TId) - Method in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.Index
Returns an item by its identifier.
getDimensions() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.bruteforce.BruteForceIndex
Returns the dimensionality of the items stored in this index.
getDimensions() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Returns the dimensionality of the items stored in this index.
getDistanceComparator() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Returns the comparator used to compare distances.
getDistanceFunction() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Returns the distance function.
getEf() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
The size of the dynamic list for the nearest neighbors (used during the search)
getEfConstruction() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Returns the parameter has the same meaning as ef, but controls the index time / index precision.
getItemIdSerializer() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Returns the serializer used to serialize item id's when saving the index.
getItemSerializer() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Returns the serializer used to serialize items when saving the index.
getM() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Returns the number of bi-directional links created for every new element during construction.
getMaxItemCount() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Returns the maximum number of items the index can hold.


hash32(byte[]) - Static method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.util.Murmur3
Murmur3 32-bit variant.
hash32(byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.util.Murmur3
Murmur3 32-bit variant.
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.SearchResult
HnswIndex<TId,TVector,TItem extends Item<TId,TVector>,TDistance> - Class in com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw
Implementation of Index that implements the hnsw algorithm.
HnswIndex.Builder<TVector,TDistance> - Class in com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw
Builder for initializing an HnswIndex instance.
HnswIndex.BuilderBase<TBuilder extends HnswIndex.BuilderBase<TBuilder,TVector,TDistance>,TVector,TDistance> - Class in com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw
Base class for HNSW index builders.
HnswIndex.RefinedBuilder<TId,TVector,TItem extends Item<TId,TVector>,TDistance> - Class in com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw
Extension of HnswIndex.Builder that has knows what type of item is going to be stored in the index.


id() - Method in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.Item
Returns the identifier of this item.
Index<TId,TVector,TItem extends Item<TId,TVector>,TDistance> - Interface in com.github.jelmerk.knn
K-nearest neighbors search index.
IndexException - Exception in com.github.jelmerk.knn
Base class for exceptions thrown by Index implementations.
IndexException() - Constructor for exception com.github.jelmerk.knn.IndexException
Constructs an IndexException
IndexException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.jelmerk.knn.IndexException
Constructs a IndexException with the specified detail message.
IndexException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.github.jelmerk.knn.IndexException
Constructs a IndexException with the specified detail message and cause.
indices() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.SparseVector
Returns the index array.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.NullProgressListener
Singleton instance of NullProgressListener.
isRemoveEnabled() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Returns if removes are enabled.
item() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.SearchResult
Returns the item.
Item<TId,TVector> - Interface in com.github.jelmerk.knn
Indexable item.
items() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.bruteforce.BruteForceIndex
Returns all items in the index.
items() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Returns all items in the index.
items() - Method in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.Index
Returns all items in the index.


JavaObjectSerializer<T> - Class in com.github.jelmerk.knn
Implementation of ObjectSerializer that uses java serialization to write the value.
JavaObjectSerializer() - Constructor for class com.github.jelmerk.knn.JavaObjectSerializer


load(File) - Static method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.bruteforce.BruteForceIndex
Restores a BruteForceIndex from a File.
load(File) - Static method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Restores a HnswIndex from a File.
load(File, ClassLoader) - Static method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.bruteforce.BruteForceIndex
Restores a BruteForceIndex from a File.
load(File, ClassLoader) - Static method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Restores a HnswIndex from a File.
load(InputStream) - Static method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.bruteforce.BruteForceIndex
Restores a BruteForceIndex from an InputStream.
load(InputStream) - Static method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Restores a HnswIndex from an InputStream.
load(InputStream, ClassLoader) - Static method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.bruteforce.BruteForceIndex
Restores a BruteForceIndex from an InputStream.
load(InputStream, ClassLoader) - Static method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Restores a HnswIndex from an InputStream.
load(Path) - Static method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.bruteforce.BruteForceIndex
Restores a BruteForceIndex from a Path.
load(Path) - Static method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Restores a HnswIndex from a Path.
load(Path, ClassLoader) - Static method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.bruteforce.BruteForceIndex
Restores a BruteForceIndex from a Path.
load(Path, ClassLoader) - Static method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Restores a HnswIndex from a Path.


Murmur3 - Class in com.github.jelmerk.knn.util
Murmur3 is successor to Murmur2 fast non-crytographic hash algorithms.
Murmur3() - Constructor for class com.github.jelmerk.knn.util.Murmur3


NamedThreadFactory - Class in com.github.jelmerk.knn.util
A ThreadFactory implementation that names each thread created using a user defined format string.
NamedThreadFactory(String) - Constructor for class com.github.jelmerk.knn.util.NamedThreadFactory
Constructs a new NamedThreadFactory
newBuilder(int, DistanceFunction<TVector, TDistance>) - Static method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.bruteforce.BruteForceIndex
Start the process of building a new BruteForce index.
newBuilder(int, DistanceFunction<TVector, TDistance>, int) - Static method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Start the process of building a new HNSW index.
newBuilder(int, DistanceFunction<TVector, TDistance>, Comparator<TDistance>) - Static method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.bruteforce.BruteForceIndex
Start the process of building a new BruteForce index.
newBuilder(int, DistanceFunction<TVector, TDistance>, Comparator<TDistance>, int) - Static method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Start the process of building a new HNSW index.
newThread(Runnable) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.util.NamedThreadFactory
NullProgressListener - Class in com.github.jelmerk.knn
Implementation of ProgressListener that does nothing.


ObjectSerializer<T> - Interface in com.github.jelmerk.knn
Implementations of this interface are used to customize how objects will be stored when the index is persisted


ProgressListener - Interface in com.github.jelmerk.knn
Callback interface for reporting on the progress of an index operation.


read(ObjectInput) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.JavaObjectSerializer
Reads an item from an ObjectOutput implementation.
read(ObjectInput) - Method in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.ObjectSerializer
Reads an item from an ObjectOutput implementation.
remove(int) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.util.ArrayBitSet
Removes element from the bitset.
remove(TId, long) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.bruteforce.BruteForceIndex
Removes an item from the index.
remove(TId, long) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Removes an item from the index.
remove(TId, long) - Method in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.Index
Removes an item from the index.
resize(int) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Changes the maximum capacity of the index.
resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.util.ClassLoaderObjectInputStream
Resolve a class specified by the descriptor using the specified ClassLoader or the super ClassLoader.
resolveProxyClass(String[]) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.util.ClassLoaderObjectInputStream
Create a proxy class that implements the specified interfaces using the specified ClassLoader or the super ClassLoader.
returnObject(T) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.util.GenericObjectPool
Returns an instance to the pool.


save(File) - Method in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.Index
Saves the index to a file.
save(OutputStream) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.bruteforce.BruteForceIndex
Saves the index to an OutputStream.
save(OutputStream) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Saves the index to an OutputStream.
save(OutputStream) - Method in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.Index
Saves the index to an OutputStream.
save(Path) - Method in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.Index
Saves the index to a path.
SearchResult<TItem,TDistance> - Class in com.github.jelmerk.knn
Result of a nearest neighbour search.
SearchResult(TItem, TDistance, Comparator<TDistance>) - Constructor for class com.github.jelmerk.knn.SearchResult
Constructs a new SearchResult instance.
setEf(int) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Set the size of the dynamic list for the nearest neighbors (used during the search)
size() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.bruteforce.BruteForceIndex
Returns the size of the index.
size() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex
Returns the size of the index.
size() - Method in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.Index
Returns the size of the index.
SizeLimitExceededException - Exception in com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw
Thrown to indicate the size of the index has been exceeded.
SizeLimitExceededException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.SizeLimitExceededException
Constructs a SizeLimitExceededException with the specified detail message.
SparseVector<TVector> - Class in com.github.jelmerk.knn
A sparse vector represented by an index array and a value array.
SparseVector(int[], TVector) - Constructor for class com.github.jelmerk.knn.SparseVector
Constructs a new SparseVector instance.


toString() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.SearchResult


UncategorizedIndexException - Exception in com.github.jelmerk.knn
Thrown to indicate that a nested exception occurred in one of the worker threads.
UncategorizedIndexException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.github.jelmerk.knn.UncategorizedIndexException
Constructs a UncategorizedIndexException with the specified detail message and cause.
updateProgress(int, int) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.NullProgressListener
Called by the index at set intervals to report progress of the indexing process.
updateProgress(int, int) - Method in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.ProgressListener
Called by the index at set intervals to report progress of the indexing process.


values() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.SparseVector
Returns the values array.
vector() - Method in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.Item
Returns the vector to perform the distance calculation on.
version() - Method in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.Item
Returns the version of the item.


withCustomSerializers(ObjectSerializer<TId>, ObjectSerializer<TItem>) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex.Builder
Register the serializers used when saving the index.
withCustomSerializers(ObjectSerializer<TId>, ObjectSerializer<TItem>) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex.RefinedBuilder
Register the serializers used when saving the index.
withEf(int) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex.BuilderBase
The size of the dynamic list for the nearest neighbors (used during the search).
withEfConstruction(int) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex.BuilderBase
` The parameter has the same meaning as ef, but controls the index time / index precision.
withM(int) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex.BuilderBase
Sets the number of bi-directional links created for every new element during construction.
withRemoveEnabled() - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.hnsw.HnswIndex.BuilderBase
Call to enable support for the experimental remove operation.
write(T, ObjectOutput) - Method in class com.github.jelmerk.knn.JavaObjectSerializer
Writes the item to an ObjectOutput implementation.
write(T, ObjectOutput) - Method in interface com.github.jelmerk.knn.ObjectSerializer
Writes the item to an ObjectOutput implementation.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form